1) Gratitude
Gratitude to Allah is one of the most heart warming ways to connect with Him. It’s a way of expressing your deepest thanks for life. It’s this attitude of “I’ve done nothing to deserve this” but His mercy and abundance outweighs all the good that we could ever do.
How beautiful is it that Allah has blessed you with so much to be grateful for?
Of all the people in this world, Allah choose you. You could have easily been the girl next-door swooning over the latest Shuyookh, infatuating over romantic relationships on Instagram whilst riddled with insecurities with practically zero ambition or zest for life. You could have easily been that girl. But you’re not. If you were you wouldn’t been reading a blog like this. I guarantee you that more women (+ men) are far more interested in getting back at their spouses, shifting blame, fanticising over Instagram couples and millionaire lifestyles than actually working on themselves and consciously creating their dream lives.
Do you realise how special that makes you?
Even more so, Allah chose you to be that girl who breaks away from society’s norm. That girl who feels restless when she’s not following her truth. That girl who can’t sit through hours of mindless gossip because her soul is yearning for something greater.
2) Uplifting Female Connection
You experience this zest for life when you’re surrounded by women who uplift you. Bantering, having endless fits of girly laughter and ‘serious’ girl talk with my group of friends/family keeps me sane – seriously! Even speaking for an hour every two weeks over Skype with my life and health coaches makes me so happy and I leave feeling energised and excited. It’s so powerful. Positive company is infectious.
3) Reading/Studying
Cultivate the habit of daily reading. The first words of the Quran revealed to the Prophet (peace be upon Him) were “Read in the name of your Lord who created.” (Surah Alaq, Verse 1) Having a thirst for knowledge is the start to greatness. I don’t know a single, successful woman who doesn’t read. In every field be it alimiyyah/islamic studies, health, wellness, finance, parenting, homeschooling, counselling and so forth, the women who excelled in these fields were the ones who read tons upon tons of books.
One of my fellow alimiyyah classmates is so passionate about Islam. It’s so heartwarming to see her strive and constantly study intensive scholarly books from the past. Have no doubt that her commitment to studying Islam surpassed us all. The knowledge that she cares within her and everywhere she goes is because of her dedication to intensive study.
4) Exercising/Movement
Daily exercise/ body movement is vital for your well-being and success. A few years back in ramadan, I decided to stop exercising whilst fasting as the days were much longer. Within 3 days of ramadan, I began to feel sad and low-spirited. No matter what I did I couldn’t get myself to feel positive, light and happy. For someone who’s generally happy and optimistic, experiencing 3 days of feeling like a fog had overtaken my body was so strange. My mind was racing with all the possibilities of why I was feeling like this. After all nobody feels sad or unmotivated during the first 3 days of ramadan. When I reflected over it, the reason why I felt so dull was because I stopped exercising. Needles to say I went straight back to exercising the next day. And the fog that had plagued down my body was gone too.
5) Nourish Your Body
Our relationship with food can reveal so much about what’s going on in our lives. If you’re fed on an emotional, spiritual and physical level, do you think you’d be stuffing your face with pot noodles whilst watching television? Highly unlikely. Successful women are able to look deep within and gather what’s really going on. It goes much deeper than the food. But that doesn’t diminish the importance of eating nourishing whole foods with loving thoughts.
6) Daily/Weekly/Monthly Planning
Whilst I’m not a fan of 10/15 year plans, I do believe in regular planning. You’ve got to have some sort of direction in life, otherwise you’ll end up anywhere. Without a sense of direction, you could be living the same day for 30 years and it wouldn’t even occur to you. The key with planning is finding what works for you.
If you’re always on the go with constant changes and enjoy the thrill of meeting tight deadlines, perhaps a digital calendar synced on your phone and laptop would work best for you. If on the other hand you have a pretty relaxed schedule with much more consistency, a physical planner would be better suited for you. The last thing you want is to invest in a pretty Kate Spade planner only for it to look like your 3 year old niece has scribbled and doodled inside because of the constant changes in your schedule.
If you’d like an awesome free daily planner, sign up in the emailing list at the top of this page and I’ll send you a gorgeous planner to get you started with your day to day organisation.
7) Self-love
I love seeing women excel in their roles as mothers, wives, entrepreneurs, daughters, job roles etc. What’s equally amazing is seeing a women who fiercely gives to herself just as much as she gives to others. That is incredible. We grow up believing that marrying our dream man will give us happiness. Working at our dream job with a fancy pay check will give us happiness. Or living in a beautiful house will give us happiness. But the truth is that these aspects can only enhance the happiness you have within. Once the initial delight and excitement dies down, eventually you’ll realise that the only person in this world that can truly make you happy is you.
Self love is a manifestation of that happiness that lies within. When you truly, deeply love yourself, there’s no way you’ll neglect yourself. There’s no way you’ll let yourself get down over a petty comment. When a woman supports and nourishes herself – she becomes unstoppable.
P.s If you feel called to getting 1-1 support to rekindle your hearts purpose, go through a series of life coaching, gently looking at each area of your life and move towards creating a life bursting with love, nourishment and happiness, click here for more details inshaAllah x
11 Responses
There are a lot of things that I need to work on, like fantasizing over instagram couples for example haha. But on a serious note the relationship with food point is true. It’s something we often don’t consider important but it sure is. love this post
I agree with you, positive company is surely infectious even for introverts like myself. And it does not have to be in an invasive way, could be via skyping as you mentioned or networking/ events. I have grown in sooo many ways through connecting with the right people.
All of the tips are so nice .Good post.
Yes I love all of these tips and especially number 3! It’s so important to continue to study, seek knowledge, and to always always be a student, even in your field of expertise. There’s absolutely always something to learn and we should never become complacent
I love the emphasis on self-care and self-love – something I sorely lack! I keep trying to remind myself that I cannot pour from an empty cup!
What an inspiring post! Without gratitiude nothing is fulfilling!
Gratitude gratitude gratitude. Can’t stress enough on this. Loved the way your client kept a gratitude journal. People should write it down in any way. Journal, diary, page. Anything. It makes a HUGE difference
Living life on simple terms sounds so easy…..but practicing them in real life is challenging….those who can do it can achieve many things….
Planning and sticking to it is the hardest thing for me. It really is. Either I don’t have time to make plans (lol) or even if I do I just don’t stick to it. Are I really need to improve!
Self-love is the last thing that we think about now-a-days I feel like. We live in such a fast-paced lifestyle that we forget about ourselves. This is such a great reminder!
I love this post and definitely agree with the points you have made. Especially about reading. Seeking knowledge and just learning more is such a beautiful thing. <3 <3
This is a great post mash'Allah! May Allah reward you!