How To Become Bursting With Love + Happiness

Quite recently, something very unusual happened.

For the first time in my life, I fully experienced what it means to love yourself. To love yourself so much that your love overflows and spreads freely to all those around you. For the first time, I wasn’t looking to other people to fill that void in me. I wasn’t that innocent, little girl peeping outside into the big, wide world to make her feel happy. For the first time, I was truly overflowing with love and bursting with happiness.

Love that was so beautiful, so pure and abundant. Love that emanated from the depths of my heart and expanded to fill my entire body. Love that wasn’t restricted to feeling from one person or one circumstance. Love that was completely free from the actions of others.

And let me just tell you… it feels INCREDIBLE!

For the first time, I experienced what it means to share love from within. Instead of going to people to fill that void within me, I was able to bring forth that love and share it with others. It’s magical. This resulted in several heart to heart conversations, witty banter and endless fits of laughter. It’s the most amazing feeling to bring happiness and laughter to the people you love.

But it all starts from within. After all if you’re not bursting with love from within, there’s no way you can freely and wholeheartedly give to others. Even if you do give, you’ll be bound by expectations, neediness or resentment. Trust me sweetheart – that’s not a fun place to be at. In fact, it’s depleting. Energy draining. And soul-crushing when you realise that all your desperate efforts fuelled by fear to please people is actually pushing them away.

Here’s the first thing to realise:

Everything you seek outside of you is within you.

Everything you seek outside of you must first be found within you.

If you’re seeking love, happiness, purpose, passion, joy… stop right there. You came into this world as a perfect, whole, complete little angel. Allah created you just perfectly. Nothing less than that. Your purpose is to peel back those layers and blockages that prevent you from bursting with love and happiness.

Before you seek out love, release all the barriers that are preventing you from radiating love. Find that love and happiness within. In a room full of darkness, be the light. Don’t frantically search for it from another or hang onto every comment a person says, rather cultivate the light that shines from within. Here’s what helped me get to that place of bursting with love + happiness:

Raise Your Energetic Vibration

This might sound a bit woo-woo but it really isn’t 😉 What energy are you giving off? What kind of vibrations are you sending out to the world? If your thoughts are clouded with neediness, loneliness and rejection, that’s going to affect the way you show up in this world. As a result, that’s going to effect the way people respond to your energetic vibration.

The biggest change in my life from before, bursting with love to now was that my energy shifted. It radically changed. I cultivated a really beautiful morning ritual, committed to filling up my self-love vessel and consciously seeing the positive in every situation. When I began to focus on the positivity, my energy shifted.

In fact, every time my inner meal girl was on volume 10 and I’d experience thoughts of loneliness, comparisonitis, neediness, uncertainty,  I would place hands over my heart (where possible) and literally say the following to myself, probably about 100 times 😉

‘I love and accept you, I love and accept you, I love and accept you… HasbiAllah, HasbiAllahu Wa Ni’mal Waqeel, HasbiAllah, I love and forgive you, I love and accept you, I am safe, I’m safe in this world, Allahumma Salli Alaa Muhammad…I love you, All is well in my world’

Sounds a bit crazy, doesn’t it? 😉

The best thing is that when my energy shifted to unconditional love, positivity and happiness, the people that I love mirrored that back to me. Mind-blowing.

Move Your Tush 😉

We feel empowered when we are most energized and connected with our body. Let me repeat that again: we feel empowered when we are most energized and connected with our body. When we are truly living in our body. When every cell in your body is tingling from the adrenaline rush of completing an exercise class or a yoga session, it changes your entire chemistry.

The benefits of moving your tush daily far out-weigh physical gains such as weight loss, radiant skin and stronger muscles (although they are wonderful benefits to experience!). It’s the emotional and spiritual benefits that really sits close to my heart. By committing to moving and honouring your body, you feel so beautiful, so confident and sensual. Your body lights up. Your heart opens up. And that allows for qualities such as grace, confidence, sensuality, ease to flow through. Your body is the temple through which you experience life. If your body is exhausted, heavy and tired, that will reflect in the experiences you have.

I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve broken down into tears and cried during an exercise session. As you physically awaken and move your body, you also allow for emotional and spiritual awakening.

Live In The Present Moment

The key to bursting with love is honouring and living in the present moment. Living from your heart – not just walking through the motions with an empty soul. Bring your passion and purpose in everything you do. If you’re going to scrub the bathroom floor, do it will full passion and purpose. Pour your heart into it and always do it from a place of love.

As women when you live and dance in the present moment, you nurture your innermost feminine energy. When you give up worry and obsession over the future, you cultivate a heart in awe of the day before you. Your heart is beaming over the little blessings.

Presence is a HUGE component of feminine energy. Your ability to bring people into the present moment through your laughter, banter and quirkiness is magnetic. But before you create that magic for the people you love, you must first be fully present for your life – today – as it is.

Bursting with love is about radiating a heart full of love even when you’re sitting by yourself in an empty room. It’s filling up on those little pleasure that make your heart sing. That make you feel alive. It’s those little moments that make you look up into the sky and sigh ‘thank you Allah’ right from the depth of your heart.

So beautiful, what is your commitment to becoming busting with love and happiness? I would love to hear your thoughts. Also have you experienced self-love that is so beautiful and uplifting? If so, share your experience in the comments below. There are thousands of women who read this blog and we would LOVE to hear your insights! x

16 Responses

  1. This post is absolutely beautiful masha’Allah. I feel like I should read it every morning as part of my self-love ritual! May Allah reward you and continue to fill you with this love and happiness which you share so wonderfully with your readers <3 Ameen.

  2. I have to say I haven’t experienced self-love the way you are describing but it sounds so beautiful and joyous 🙂 I love the enthusiasm and positivity you’re radiating from this post. As a mum to young children, I often find that I have very little time for myself and self-development or self-care and I think that contributes to some of the things you describe above – I find I feel a lot better when I stop and just go for a walk with the kids and get outside and exercising for a bit.

  3. This is something that I’ve noticed in my life too. As I’ve got older I’ve become more comfortable with who I am. Since I begam blogging, I hav started to REALLY KNOW who I am and who Allah made me…and I’m beginning to love myself too! I found you’re blog post so uplifting and beautifully written mashAllah 🙂

  4. Wow, this is an eye-opener. Sadly though, sometimes it’s hard to focus so much on ourselves (even though we should!) -when we are busy running around after our kids, family, job, etc. But you’re right, true happiness and love comes after we accept ourselves and embrace ourselves 🙂

  5. It does help to cultivate a deliberate habit of being positive in everything we do. By finding positivity in the little words, moments, blessings, acts and interactions; beginning with the daily connections with our Lord. For me, that unleashes the love, energy and vibrancy from within in little doses until it bursts forth at huge levels.

    It takes conscious practice, but its so worth it.

  6. Omg! I loved this post so much! I’d never thought of self love being connected to Allah swt though, but now when I think of it, I think it might be the reason why I struggle with praying with khushoo. Because I’m in a constant state of anxiety and am so self critical that the negative thoughts manifest in all my activities. You must love your self to love back. This is not arrogance, but rather being grateful for the gifts your Creator has given you and then paying it forward, if you will. Thank you so much for sharing your secret with us. I think for me, I feel the most self love, what makes me heart sing ( I use that line too) is when I sing. That’s the time when I live from my heart and not my head. It’s the greatest feeling Alhamdulillah. Thank you again for this post!

    1. Awwwww singing sounds lovely! I’m so happy that it resonated with you… as you said, it’s definitely not arrogance, far from it. Self critical thoughts are from your inner mean girl/ego… they’re not ‘your’ thoughts and we all experience them, the key is gently quietening down that voice and coming back to the present moment.

      Have a wonderful day Rafia x

  7. This reminds me of unconditional love that parents have for their children. We love regardless of how they return that love. And if we are consistent in that love then it will have a positive affect on them.

    1. Most definitely! Unconditional love that is without expectation/neediness and allows room for acceptance works out in the long run 🙂 When it’s not in a parent/child relationship, sometime unconditional love comes in the form of letting go and moving on.

    2. Not sure what I googled to get to your post but so much of it rings true. I suppose ibwas trying to find out if I was the only one that feels this huge amount of love and gratitude in my heart. It has taken me a long long time but finally last year I accepted myself and saw myself as others see me. It’s been transformational really. And I also spent a few days in a very deep depression which now I think was my way of saying goodbye to the old me and hello to this new one. Can’t believe how much happier and more relaxed I am as a wife, mum, friend, sister and daughter. Thank for your post xx

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