The 7 Best Habits Of Confident Muslim Women

The topic of confidence is really speaking to me right now. When you’re asking Allah for your most beautiful duas and desires, you’ve got to become the woman who believes and knows she can receive it. She’s confident in herself. The dua that she seeks is not above her. She doesn’t see setbacks as a threat. She doesn’t take failure to heart. 

For every dua that you seek out there, there’s an equal shift of how you feel and think about yourself that happens within. Think about it this way, the confident Muslim woman who receives her desires isn’t leading with her insecurities or fears. If she’s asking Allah for the world, best believe she knows she can have it in this lifetime. In this blog post, we’ll look at a few qualities that radiates this confidence. Let’s get started!

1. She’s Not Attached To The Outcome

When you start to feel confident in yourself and in your ability to receive, you stop taking your duas so seriously. You almost become playful and open around your duas. It’s not my way or the highway. It’s you asking Allah, expecting and knowing you’ll get your heart’s desires but staying open to it all.

The more confident you feel, the less fear you feel. You’re not scared of other people’s opinions or worried about upsetting the status quo. Know it in the depths of your heart that Allah will take care of you. There’s nothing to fear. There’s no outcome that can be the end of you.

2. She Chooses Her Duas + Desires Daily

I’m a huge believer of women embodying their feminine energy but here’s what people tend to get wrong about feminine energy – it’s not about sitting back, sipping on herbal tea, doing nothing and hoping that you’ll attract it to you. It’s about being in a receptive, feminine state of already having your desire. Not trying to attract it but living and embodying it. You are that girl. You’re not trying to be her.

When you are that girl, you’re not afraid of the outcome. Which means you’re not afraid of opening and putting your heart out there. You’re not afraid of rejection or temporary chaos. You follow the nudges of your heart – having vulnerable conversations, not reacting to the circumstance, knowing when to step away, pushing past your comfort zone and whatever else you feel genuinely aligned to do.

Get into the habit of choosing, claiming and embodying your duas as though it’s already yours and see where that state takes you. Do you find that if you’re not intentionally eating healthy, you revert back to eating junk food? Or if you’re not intentionally using your time wisely, it’s scrolling through Netflix? That’s why choosing your duas daily is so important. For most of us, our default set point is the opposite to what we desire.

3. She Finds Her Worth With Allah 

Not her looks. Not her health habits. Not her accomplishments. Not her education. Not her family status. Not her relationship status. Not her productivity levels. Nothing of this world. If your worth is tied to this world, someone is always going to have more than you. Someone can take it away from you and none of it really matters.

One look into Hollywood/Bollywood will show you that even the women with the most beautiful faces,  jaw dropping homes and huge bank accounts can’t sustain a decent marriage. Because what you have or do isn’t tied to your ability to receive. It’s not to say you can’t enjoy the beauty of this life but to not let it determine your worth.

When Allah is providing for you, all the limitations against you doesn’t matter. You don’t need to be skinnier, smarter, prettier, wealthier or whatever else you can add to the list to receive your deepest desires. You can absolutely want and work towards them but don’t make it conditional upon your worth. Allah is and will always be providing for you.

4. She Tends To Her Heart

Without tending to your heart, confidence is going to feel fake. If you’re feeling doubtful in your duas or worried about your future, pushing yourself to feel confident isn’t always the answer. In fact, resisting how you feel can make it stronger. But also dwelling in how you feel can make things worse.

What do you do? You tend to your heart. You tend to your emotional needs underneath all the fear and mind chatter. When you’re feeling doubtful, tend to the part of your heart that needs your reassurance. Like you’re nurturing a little girl. Being with her as she processes her emotions but at the same time not over entertaining her fears.

Begin to give the love, connection, presence, commitment, safety, validation that you seek from others to yourself. From that place of acceptance and presence with yourself, then tap into feeling confident. When you’re not fighting yourself, it’s easier to feel confident and worthy.

5. She Prioritises Her Heart Above All

Go about your day, prioritising your heart first and foremost. It doesn’t mean you lock yourself up in a room to meditate and neglect your family’s needs. But that you tend to your life as you take care of others. That you don’t neglect yourself by losing yourself in others. Whether you’re a devoted mother, a wife so in love or a dedicated daughter, at the end of the day you’re still an individual underneath it all. You are your own person.

6. She Nurtures Her Beauty + Appearance

Feeling beautiful, desirable and feminine can do wonders for your confidence. The confident woman knows she’s worthy and enough as she is but a flick of mascara, a pretty dress, going for a pilates workout can boost your self-esteem. It’s those little decisions of committing to your highest self.

7. She Prays Tahajud

Make it your escape from this worldly life. Yes, it means that your morning and night routine might have to change. There’s a relief and comfort in calling upon Allah during tahajud. It’s the foundation to your confidence. It’s the secret to getting whatever you want in this life and the next.

Ps. Head over here to learn more about my 1-1 coaching programs. If you’re looking to up-level your life in 2023, feel more confident and feminine, heading in the direction of your deepest duas, this program is the next step for you. Schedule in a free 20 minute coaching call to get started x 


4 Responses

  1. Loved reading this blog Umme Hafsah 💖 So refreshing & practical as always! Look forward to reading more this year إن شاء الله xx

  2. Alhamdullilah, i notice soo much changes after putting all this things on work. I’m still going through alot more in life. whenever i feel like giving up on something i open this blogss and i get soo much relief after reading, you are doing great sister, please keep on posting its very helpful, may allah bless you. jazak allah

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