What if your deepest duas were on it’s way?

Closer than you could ever imagine? What if the wait served a purpose?

Would you feel lighter?

Experience deep level 1-1 soulful transformation. Through radical self-love, emotional healing + alignment work to break through your blocks and live out your wildest dreams.

Maybe right now…

You’ve tried everything

– You’ve listened to every podcast, followed all the social media experts, saved every post, signed up for all the right courses but still can’t align to your deepest duas and desires. You’re tired of going around in circles in the self-help world.

– Your heart is yearning for more… more love, deeper connection, more joy and more expansion. It feels like you’ve been here forever and you’re ready to step into the next phase of your life and become the next level version of your highest, feminine, glowing self.    

– You’re yearning to truly trust and surrender to Allah… not just pretend play and lip service but feel worthy and enough as your life is today. Trusting in Allah’s plan for you whilst knowing that more is on it’s way. I get it, it’s a delicate, yet hard balance. 


Ready for more

For the woman who….

Priorities her relationship with Allah

Whose number one priority is her connection and relationship with Allah above all, followed by her connection with herself.

Is ready to heal

This might surprise you but you could want a dua so much, obsessively desire it, make it matter more than anything in this lifetime and still be resistant to changing your inner ways for it. Wanting it badly does not mean you’re ready to receive it.

Why you need

A guided plan?

If you’re listening to this coach and that influencer, taking bits from here and there, visualising one day and missing the next, saving posts on Instagram and never reading them again… do you know what you get by the end of it? 


Frustration with your duas. 

Questioning why nothing is changing for you.

Feeling like you’re doing everything, trying all the techniques but not getting anywhere.

With a blend of life coaching, emotional healing, spiritual alignment, therapeutic tools to support your growth and healing in a feminine way. 

My 1-1 coaching program is for the woman who is tired of her own limiting thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviours. This coaching program was created and refined from my years of studying Alimiyyah, coaching more than 150 Muslim women – 7 years going! Completing 2 life coaching certifications and heavily investing in my own healing journey. 


All the details….

3 Months Coaching 

£ 510 GBP
  • - 3 Months Coaching
  • - 6 x 60 Min Coaching Calls
  • - Email Coaching Notes Included
  • - Access to 16+ Worksheets
  • - Recorded Calls (Optional)
  • - Flexible Payment Plans
  • - Voice Note Coaching
Limited spaces



“Life coaching with @inspiredandfabulous has genuinely been the best decision of my life.. she has ever so lovingly changed me as a person (all for the better ofc), my outlook on life, relationships, my deen most importantly how I view myself has all shifted and I feel like a totally different person..that’s a lot coming from me as I was unsure about being coached in the first place. I am forever grateful to her for providing this space where we could work on healing parts of me I didn’t know existed. May Allah bless you Umme Hafsa eternally and fulfil all your Duas.. ” – Sister Z

“Inspired and Fabulous” came to my life when I was really a mess inside out! I just wanted help, and I didn’t know how! …The weird thing is that day just after I wrote to her, I was crying my eyes out and talked to Allah, please give my a life coach! Please help me! And subhanAllah She came, after which she coached me for 3 months! I can see the different part of me that has changed. I can bee around a lot of people now, without being scared! I don’t pretend to be someone else! I am just me! I have now more control over my mind and she is a wonderful person! I recommend her a lot! 3 words I will describe the coaching is: 1) Sweet and lovely 2) Mind changing! 3) Strong feminine energy!”  – Sister S

“Today is a day that’ll be etched in my memory for a long time to come. After all, it isn’t everyday that you are prodded towards a door that opens to self-love. Thank you. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.” – Sister R

“Alhamdulilllah I am so content and the progress I have made is thanks to you and Allah. May Allah reward you for the amazing work you do! Umm Hafsa, you are an amazing therapist/life coach. I feel like a new, improved and stronger person. May Allah give you success in dunya and akhira! I thank Allah that I found you.”  – Sister H 

“I must say I benefited from our sessions because they occurred in a moment in my life that was extremely difficult. I felt stuck, scared and very overwhelmed by my emotions. It was great to talk to a sister who doesn’t judge you and who is very understanding. Even thought we couldn’t see each other, I could feel and hear your empathy in your voice. The sessions were extremely helpful in providing me have more clarity and a step by step plan to tackle the situation I was going through Alhamdulilah” – Sister B

“Alhumdulilah praise God I had a wonderful free life coaching session with @inspiredandfabulous today. She shook me up and rattled my cage, leaving me plenty to work on.” – Sister K

“Hafsa is an inspiring teacher and her enthusiasm shows in her course material. Mashaa Allah, tabarakAllah. I love how she adds bits of her own life to illustrate certain points. The storytelling aspect touched my heart and helped me dive deep into the course to extract the lessons. The course material is neatly organized and well paced. The Islamic references given to clarify the lessons make this course suitable for Muslims and this is an important factor missing in self-development courses designed by non-Muslims. I highly recommend this course to those who are interested in self-development from an Islamic point of view.” – Sister S

 “I found the coaching session to be thought provoking and insightful. I now feel empowered to lift the lid of my self-doubt and achieve greater results in my job.” – Sister K

“…You are massively inspiring & although I cant claim to have gone through what you have, there are similarities in the struggles. I literally feel all the positivity, light and joy your online presence radiates…I actively started understanding the role my surroundings and personal well-being played to achieve my goals. I am not all there yet but I hope to be consistent and aim to put myself first wholeheartedly and without regret. I hope one day to achieve the self love that you exhibit inshaAllah” – Sister N

“Thank you so much for everything! I will be going over all the wonderful notes you sent and will try to continue the work we started together. I have learned so much from you. You have a beautiful, soft no judgement approach that I absolutely loved.” – Sister F