Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Fundamental Accounting Principles (25th Edition)

Are you struggling to stay on top of accounting principles? Look no further than Fundamental Accounting Principles 25th Edition By John Wild! This 25th edition of the classic, go-to accounting text provides an up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of financial and managerial accounting that is indispensable for any accounting student.

Designed for a one–semester introductory or combined course in financial and managerial accounting, this text offers sharp insights into the core principles of managerial and financial accounting. With its thorough coverage, student-friendly narrative, and problem–solving emphasis, John Wild’s Fundamental Accounting Principles 25th Edition is your perfect companion as you learn to master the world of finance.

In this updated edition, readers benefit from an increased focus on long-term liabilities and current liabilities. You will also appreciate the streamlined Table Of Contents which features a unified approach to short-term liabilities with sections discussing all elements within a single chapter for better clarity. A major strength of this edition lies in its clear presentation of difficult concepts through meaningful explanations, real world examples and carefully constructed end–of–chapter material including more themed Problem Frames that integrate Flowcharts and Ethical Insights into LearnSmart assignable activities with corresponding Exam Prep questions.

This compelling textbook is ideal for those who want to get ahead in the competitive field of accounting. It’ll become a staple reference as you prepare necessary documents like balance sheets, income statements, closing entries or even acquire valuable insight into cost benefit analysis or performance evaluation techniques! With John Wild’s Fundamental Accounting Principles 25th Edition by your side, there’s nothing stopping you from keeping track of the everchanging world of business finances like a seasoned pro!


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