Wednesday, February 12, 2025

M: Organizational Behavior (5th Edition)

The 5th edition of M: Organizational Behavior by Steven McShane is here and it’s a must-have for any student looking to learn about organizational behavior. It’s the perfect book for anyone seeking to become an expert in this field, exploring everything from the driving forces behind employee behavior to organizational design and strategic decision making.

A comprehensive introduction to the subject, it provides students with the theory and best practices behind organizational behavior on a global scale. With chapters dedicated to critical elements like communication, teamwork, diversity, ethics, leadership styles and culture shock, you’ll have all the knowledge needed to ace that upcoming test or stand out in your job interviews.

McShane sets himself apart with his clear writing style and thorough approach – giving readers of every level plenty of real-world examples they can relate to. His thoughtful approach leaves students feeling well prepared for assignments and exams as they trust their newfound skillset in disciplinary problem solving and managing change within organizations.

Now you too can join the ranks of those disciplined professionals using McShane’s invaluable 5th edition of M: Organizational Behavior – allowing you master the most complex aspects of behavior in contemporary organizations… Altogether an exciting study experience!


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