Thursday, March 6, 2025

Prehospital Emergency Care (11th Edition)

Prehospital Emergency Care 11th Edition by Joseph Mistovich and Keith Karren is the premier source of education for prehospital care professionals.

It provides comprehensive coverage of the essential principles, concepts and skills that can help prepare students to serve as knowledgeable, confident practitioners in today’s emergency medical services (EMS). With its industry-leading standards for marketability and relevance, this book helps ensure mastery of the National EMS Education Standards.

Focusing on both managerial aspects of prehospital emergency care as well as hands-on training opportunities for clinicians, Prehospital Emergency Care 11th Edition offers an overview of the fundamentals of effective patient assessment, accurate clinical diagnosis, appropriate interventions, and high-quality patient management.

An abridged version of discussions about important topics like infection control guidelines, hazardous materials handling protocols and more is also included.

The accompanying student access code allows learners to experience online activities in a realistic simulated environment that’s based on real EMS cases. The assignments are tailored to reinforce key content from each chapter while the quizzing section enables students to evaluate their understanding prior to class exams.

Students can even take part in interactive activities that assess decision making abilities in a practical manner – invaluable experience before out-of-classroom scenarios.

Ideal for use in classes or in clinical training settings worldwide or as an individual study aid, Prehospital Emergency Care 11th Edition stays true to its promise by offering up-to-date guidance when it comes to critical information around prehospital emergency care.


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