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What If Your Deepest Duas + Dreams Were Closer Than You Think?

Experience Deep Level 1-1 Soulful Transformation. Through Radical Self-Love + Emotional Healing To Breakthrough Your limitations And Live Your Wildest Dreams.

Assalmu Aleikum Beautiful,

Remember all those dreams you cherished when you were a little girl? The dreams that made your heart flutter. The dreams that kept you up all night. You couldn’t wait to grow up. You couldn’t wait to be free and OMG an adult! 😉 That girl who would have all that she desires – the dream marriage and intimate love, relationships that deeply nourish you, a purpose that fuels you with feminine ambition and drive. A life that creates abundance and joy in every possible way.
You’d be the happiest girl in the world.
Yet somehow along the way you’ve lost yourself.
You’ve taken on other people’s crap. You’ve been deeply hurt. You’ve been let down.
The woman that you see in the mirror today is far from who you want to be. The life and relationship that she has is soo far from what your heart truly desires.
I get it. I’ve been there.

When your life looks so far from what you want. When you can’t see past the confusion but you know there must be a better way. I get it. You’ve got this yearning for a happier, soul fulfilling life, a yearning that you can’t ignore but you keep getting stuck in your own way.

maybe right now...

Your most intimate relationships are suffering

The ones that you love the most are pulling away and you're not receiving the love and affection that you know you can have. You can feel your spouse/ kids/ loved ones become distant with resentment, anger and frustration replacing the connection you once had.

You're experiencing this crippling feeling of unworthiness

You feel like nothing you ever do is enough. Even when you're busy as a bee, on your toes all day, putting everyone else's needs above yours, you go to sleep feeling deeply dissatisfied and unworthy.

You're stuck in your current circumstances

You know that your current thoughts, habits and actions are not supporting you but you don't know how to get out of your own way.

You're frustrated. Emotionally, you're reaching burn out

You can't seem to get out of your own way. You can't seem to figure it out, no matter how much you want your circumstances to change. Little things are triggering your pain.

You're heart is weighed down by guilt and doubt

You feel guilty for not being Little Miss Perfect. You're carrying emotional baggage from the past. The guilt is holding you back from making any lasting change and becoming emotionally free.

You're disappointed in yourself which is chipping away at your self-esteem

You had all these beautiful, ambitious dreams as a little girl and now? Now what do you have to show for it? (If this is how you speak to yourself, do not worry I've got you covered).

Here’s the thing my love,

“You are meant to have your soul’s deepest desires. Allah wouldn’t give you a heartfelt yearning, except that it was possible for you.”  

The yearning that you carry in your heart is not random. The calling in your soul is not accidental. You are meant to have you heart’s deepest desires.
This is why I created my signature 1-1 coaching program. For you to experience, deep level soulful transformation. Through radical self-love and emotional healing to breakthrough your limitations and live your wildest dreams. Sounds pretty exciting, right?
This coaching program was created from my years of studying Alimiyyah, coaching more than 50+ Muslim women, completing 2 life coaching certifications and investing into my own personal coaches. To date I’ve helped my coaching clients with:
– Healing Marital Issues: I’m taking the messy, ugly, complicated stuff. My clients have gone from feeling frustrated, disappointed in their spouses, a marriage where they’re shutting down from each other to receiving surprise gifts, unexpected date nights, expressing themselves fully and a happier, more loving, romantic relationship.
– Dream Marriages: The ones where it began with conflict, cultural differences, language barriers, the guy not committing… yes these setbacks can shift too. Scroll down to read the testimonials from my clients who had gone through so much heartache but healed and persisted, to now having a beautiful marriage today.
– Becoming Happier Mothers: Women who are raising their children without the frustration and overwhelm. We’ve worked through their emotional wounds so that they don’t take it out on their children. Coupled with parenting strategies, so that spending time with their children become a productive joy not a burden.
– Healing Ancestral Wounds: Wounds that never belonged to them. Wounds that have been carried through generations but healed and closed by them. This has allowed my clients to feel free, like a burden has been released off their shoulders without having to hurt others or pass this wound onto the next generation. This feeling of emotional freedom and release has allowed them to experience inner peace and contentment regardless of what happens out there.
 – Discovering their passions and dreams so that they can feel purposeful, driven and full of life again.
– Strengthening their faith in Allah when they came with doubt and confusion.
– Moving on from abusive marriages and long term breakups. This coaching program has allowed my clients to flourish in their careers and personal lives, where as most people would’ve let their past circumstances tear them down.
– Feeling worthy and confident in themselves. Confident in their dreams and confident that Allah can make it happen.
– Healing childhood wounds that they’ve been carrying for decades and as a result, self-sabotaging their dreams.  
– Healing their relationship with money in order to call in more financial abundance and freedom without feeling guilty for wanting more. 

“Inspired and Fabulous” came to my life when I was really a mess inside out! I just wanted help, and I didn’t know how! …The weird thing is that day just after I wrote to her, I was crying my eyes out and talked to Allah, please give my a life coach! Please help me! And subhanAllah She came, after which she coached me for 3 months! I can see the different part of me that has changed. I can bee around a lot of people now, without being scared! I don’t pretend to be someone else! I am just me! I have now more control over my mind and she is a wonderful person! I recommend her a lot! 3 words I will describe the coaching is: 1) Sweet and lovely 2) Mind changing! 3) Strong feminine energy!”  – Sister S

“Life coaching with @inspiredandfabulous has genuinely been the best decision of my life.. she has ever so lovingly changed me as a person (all for the better ofc), my outlook on life, relationships, my deen most importantly how I view myself has all shifted and I feel like a totally different person..that’s a lot coming from me as I was unsure about being coached in the first place. I am forever grateful to her for providing this space where we could work on healing parts of me I didn’t know existed✨ May Allah bless you Umme Hafsa eternally and fulfil all your Duas.. ” Sister Z

this program is for you if...

You're not going to settle for average

You're the kind of girl that wants that deep, affectionate love in her marriage, one that makes her heart flutter and full of endless joy. A marriage that Instagram couples could only dream of having 😉 You're the kind of girl that pours her heart into raising a beautiful family, bringing her dreams and passions to life, wonderfully feminine yet ambitious. Hello girl boss!

You're willing to be open and dive deep

Change is scary but you know what's even worse? Waiting for 5 years only to realise that nothing has changed. Waiting until your marriage is miserably breaking apart, waiting until your kids are old enough to resent you, waiting until you've hit rock, rock bottom to finally do something about it. Because hoping things will change is not a strategy.

You're ready to up level

You're here for more. You're ready to step into the next level version of you who has the dreams, relationships and lifestyle that you desire. There's no stopping you 😉

here is what you'll get:

6 x 60 Minute Coaching Calls:

You'll have a 1-1 coaching call every two weeks. So that you can consistently up level your mindset, heal your deepest wounds, dive deep into your heart's yearning and step into that magical place of abundance and flow.

Access to 16+ worksheets:

To support you in releasing your emotional blocks, up-levelling so that you can attract and create the life that you desire.

Flexible Payment Plans

Your investment in yourself for this coaching program is £495 with flexible payment plans available. If you've been following along and reading up until this point, you have a calling in your heart. I invite you to follow that. I invite you, just for once to listen to your heartfelt dreams instead of being pushed by your fears. I invite you to book in a complimentary coaching call, we'll talk about your dreams, releasing your pain and fear (because holding onto that is no way to live!) and we'll assess whether coaching is best suited for you. Please note after the first session, payments become non-refundable.

 Click below to book in your free coaching call…


“Today is a day that’ll be etched in my memory for a long time to come. After all, it isn’t everyday that you are prodded towards a door that opens to self-love. Thank you. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.” – Sister R

“AlhamduliAllah I am so content and the progress I have made is thanks to you and Allah. May Allah reward you for the amazing work you do! Umm Hafsa, you are an amazing therapist/life coach. I feel like a new, improved and stronger person. May Allah give you success in dunya and akhira! I thank Allah that I found you 💕”  – Sister H

“I must say I benefited from our sessions because they occurred in a moment in my life that was extremely difficult. I felt stuck, scared and very overwhelmed by my emotions. It was great to talk to a sister who doesn’t judge you and who is very understanding. Even thought we couldn’t see each other, I could feel and hear your empathy in your voice. The sessions were extremely helpful in providing me have more clarity and a step by step plan to tackle the situation I was going through Alhamdulilah” – Sister B

“Alhumdulilah praise God I had a wonderful free life coaching session with @inspiredandfabulous today. She shook me up and rattled my cage, leaving me plenty to work on.” – Sister K

“Hafsa is an inspiring teacher and her enthusiasm shows in her course material. Ma shaa Allah, tabarakAllah. I love how she adds bits of her own life to illustrate certain points. The storytelling aspect touched my heart and helped me dive deep into the course to extract the lessons. The course material is neatly organized and well paced. The Islamic references given to clarify the lessons make this course suitable for Muslims and this is an important factor missing in self-development courses designed by non-Muslims. I highly recommend this course to those who are interested in self-development from an Islamic point of view.” – Sister S

“I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the love, hope and inspiration I feel whenever I read your work. The profound words, the immense love and understanding are just the tonic that’s needed, most days, sometimes always… It is your words, kindness, your this beautiful blog that gives me hope. Hope I’m desperately always searching for, desperately in need of. So thank you to you and all your hard work, it’s the float that’s keeping me above sea level, especially in the dark hours, when everything is still…” – Sister F

“I found the coaching session to be thought provoking and insightful. I now feel empowered to lift the lid of my self-doubt and achieve greater results in my job.” – Sister K

“…You are massively inspiring & although I cant claim to have gone through what you have, there are similarities in the struggles. I literally feel all the positivity, light and joy your online presence radiates…I actively started understanding the role my surroundings and personal well-being played to achieve my goals. I am not all there yet but I hope to be consistent and aim to put myself first wholeheartedly and without regret. I hope one day to achieve the self love that you exhibit inshaAllah” – Sister N

“Thank you so much for everything! I will be going over all the wonderful
notes you sent and will try to continue the work we started together. I have learned so much from you. You have a beautiful, soft no judgement approach that I absolutely loved.” – Sister F