5 Ways to Strengthen Your Trust In Allah

Strengthening your trust in Allah is like learning any other skill. The more you commit to it, the stronger it gets. You don’t expect to lose weight without lifting a finger in the gym or the kitchen. You can’t expect to achieve your dream body, if you only exercise when you feel like it.

In the same way strengthening your trust in Allah doesn’t happen by chance. It’s a journey of immense spiritual growth. It’s a journey that cracks open your heart, arises your innermost vulnerabilities and when the wounds are still sore, that is when your heart fully connects and surrenders to Allah. Here I’m going to share 5 ways to deeply strengthen your trust in Allah.

1) Have a relationship with the Quran

Notice how I said have a ‘relationship’ with the Quran versus read more Quran. Do you read Quran out of love for Allah or because you ‘should’ read it? Do you read Quran because it makes you so happy, brightens up your day and gives you inner peace or because you’d feel guilty if you don’t? Whether you come from a place of love or guilt, effects the way you interact with the Quran. (Tip: choose love!)

Building a relationship with the Quran begins with reading it frequently and branches out to developing multiple ways of connection – read it, talk about it, study tafseer, learn Arabic, implement it and let your heart be open to receiving the guidance of the Quran. Notice the ayahs that resonate with your soul. Do you have a favourite Surah or an ayah that you keep coming back to? Is there a reciter that soothes all your worries? Infuse your life with the Quran such that you become a living, walking, talking embodiment of the Quran.

2) Make massive dua

“And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way.”

(Surah Baqarah : Ayah 186)

Making massive, heart felt duas is life changing.

In the midst of severe depression, I clinged onto dua, by day and night because that was my only source of refuge. Dua was the single, most- powerful tool that transformed my life from living misery to blissful happiness. If you want to strengthen your trust in Allah, you need to be confiding in Him. Confiding in Him to such an extent that you pour your heart in your duas. Tell Allah everything as you do with your best friend. Share your fears, your worries, your dreams, your goals, your passions and anything else that matters to you. When you express your vulnerability to Allah, you begin to develop this unwavering conviction, that no matter what happens, Allah will be enough for you.

3) Let go of the outcome

Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) say, ‘If you were to rely on Allah as He should be relied on, He would provide for you as He provides for the birds. They go out early in the morning hungry and return in the evening full.’” – (At-Tirmidhi)

This has been a major life lesson for me. Look, all the dua in the world won’t bring about an outcome, unless Allah decrees it. All the hardwork and productivity in the world won’t guarantee the results you seek, unless Allah has destined it for you. As with the birds mentioned in the hadith above, go about your day knowing that Allah will fully provide for you. Pour your heart into your work and life but leave the rest to Allah. Invest your efforts in the journey but let go of your attachment to the outcome. You plant the seed and let Allah grow the tree.

4) Think positive of Allah

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “Allah the Most High said, ‘I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am. I am with him when he mentions Me. If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it. If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.’” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

trustAllahAs humans we have the tendency to overthink and worry about uncontrollable matters. That voice in our minds comes from our ego. Have you even felt so much peace after making dua even though nothing changed? Became your heart doesn’t need reasons to trust Allah. It is your mind (i.e. egoic voice) that latches onto reasons and frantically searches for ‘why’ you should be more hopeful in Allah.

Anytime you begin to doubt or worry, leave those thoughts in your mind and come back to the present moment. Connect to your heart and know that trusting Allah is enough. Don’t give yourself the headache of ‘how’ and ‘when’ things will work out because your egoic mind will never be satisfied.

5) Don’t underestimate Allah

When you fully trust Allah magical things happen. Cancer that’s suddenly cured. Relationships that you never thought were possible, eventually work out. Financial support that comes out of nowhere. Dreams that you never thought were possible for you, start happening right before your eyes. Don’t let your circumstances determine your faith in Allah. Even if everything is pointing in the complete opposite direction of what you desire, make immense dua and trust that Allah will make a way for you.

Now I want to hear from you, which of these 5 points do you want to strengthen? Do you have special dua story that was accepted and came true for you? Let me know Girl! (in the comments below).

P.s If you feel called to getting 1-1 support to rekindle your hearts purpose, go through a series of life coaching, gently looking at each area of your life and move towards creating a life bursting with love, nourishment and happiness, click here for more details inshaAllah x

90 Responses

  1. As-salamu alaykum ,
    Today i wrote an exam and to be honest, it was hard. I’ve studied months for this exam so how could it be hard. When i spoke about it to others they kept saying ,
    ” You’ve done your part and now leave the rest to Allah”.
    Of course I did but something within me wasn’t satisfied. I kept saying
    ” Hasbunallah wa ni’mal-Wakil. ” everytime I felt restless and worried but unfortunately it wasn’t sufficient for me so I took these worries to the internet.
    Reading this article I discovered that the unsatisfied part of me is my egoic mind and in fact it’ll keep looking for reasons as to why?
    Alhamdullilah reading this brought peace to my mind and inshallah I’ll keep saying ” Hasbunallah wa ni’mal-Wakil ” but this time with confidence in Allah after all he is the best disposer of affairs.
    Jazakallah Khair.

  2. Salaam aleykum sister,

    I don’t Know How but I probably searched/found this link and saved on my Safari browser around last Year. I think I read it fast and just thought I will look at it later on. I do remember that Your Words gave me some hope Back then. But I was on “automatic pilot” mode and not really aware of myself.

    Now a year later I got a new iPhone and I was “cleaning” my Safari browser and I wanted to take the useful links or “read later”-links on my new phone. Subhanallah I found this. It’s like I am reading your words with new eyes or an open mind. Last year words touched the surface and now it got more deeper.

    I have always worked and did dua to be closer to Allah swt and asked for guidance. I used to ask him to open my eyes, my heart and even my brain. Last year I worked on some of my trauma’s and got conscious of the way my body wants to warn me when I overwork myself. I have become aware of myself and I notice how that brought me closer to the Quran. How I notice how my heart feels while reciting it and how it feels when I am on social media.

    Thanks to Allah swt’s guidance I am trying to memorise some surah of the Quran and learn Tajweed. Also looking for tafsir and Doing tadabbur. I now understand what you mean with Having a relationship with the Quran.

    Even though I could read Quran as a kid and read the translation since my teenage time will now ( my early 30’s). I feel like I just realized the true meaning of Quran. I was so busy trying to “understand” it, but now I am learning to Feel Allah swt’s words. It’s just the start and I am looking forward to this journey till I die.

    May Allah swt reward you for writing this, sharing it and giving us a platform to share how your words help others, ameen!

  3. Salaam aleykum sister,

    I don’t Know How but I probably searched/found this link and saved on my Safari browser around last Year. I think I read it fast and just thought I will look at it later on. I do remember that Your Words gave me some hope Back then. But I was on “automatic pilot” mode and not really aware of myself.

    Now a year later I got a new iPhone and I was “cleaning” my Safari browser and I wanted to take the useful links or “read later”-links on my new phone. Subhanallah I found this. It’s like I am reading your words with new eyes or an open mind. Last year words touched the surface and now it got more deeper.

    I have always worked and did dua to be closer to Allah swt and asked for guidance. I used to ask him to open my eyes, my heart and even my brain. Last year I worked on some of my trauma’s and got conscious of the way my body wants to warn me when I overwork myself. I have become aware of myself and I notice how that brought me closer to the Quran. How I notice how my heart feels while reciting it and how it feels when I am on social media.

    Thanks to Allah swt’s guidance I am trying to memorise some surah of the Quran and learn Tajweed. Also looking for tafsir and Doing tadabbur. I now understand what you mean with Having a relationship with the Quran.

    Even though I could read Quran as a kid and read the translation since my teenage time will now ( my early 30’s). I feel like I just realized the true meaning of Quran. I was so busy trying to “understand” it, but now I am learning to Feel Allah swt’s words. It’s just the start and I am looking forward to this journey till I die.

    May Allah swt reward you for writing this, sharing it and giving us a platform to share how your words help others, ameen!

    1. Wa Aleikum Salam, what a sweet message alhumdulilah 💗 I hope your relationship with the Quran and your healing journey continues to flourish, you’ve described it so beautifully. From my little corner online, I’m proud of you and may Allah keep you successful and flourishing in all that you do 💗 xx

  4. This article helped so much, recently I had been struggling with having tawakkul and after reading this I feel so much better about everything and the duas I’ve been making, May Allah bless you and accept your duas💓

  5. Hmmmm.. Yaa Allah, strengthen my faith in You for am very weak.. I pray I can implement all these five points. Will like to follow you on all platforms

    1. Kindly write an article on repetition of the same sin and Allah’s forgiveness for it .
      Really need to hear more about it and be clear about it , and help me bring my heart at peace, I love Allah so much but these things won’t stop bothering me, that’s why maybe honestly for assurance I want to read about it and help myself

  6. Salam Alaikun,

    I always cried that my heart believe in Allah but i dont know how please make dua and prayers for me i am scared to burn down in hellfire

  7. jazakallah khair for your tips on getting close to Allah! I had a few question that are beyong these 5 ways. Im terrible at being consistent and fell in an unorganized perdicmentent weather its praying or life tasks it completly ruins my life which I end up becoming unproductive and lazy. For example whentry my best to pray 5 times a day espically fajr( which is the hardest to accomplish) I would do it for 3 days then fall off. What can I do to keep my prayer and other various tasks consistent?

  8. I trust allahpaak completely but sometime I don’t know why and how my tawakul decreases. I think myself to be a person with with weak Iman. Allahpaak help me plz .???

  9. I have never cried while reading something but this article gave me answers to so many of my questions…I m greatful that I found this eye-opening writing of yours may Allah grant you happiness and prosperity …Ameen


    1. May Allah grant you with the best in this Dunya and the Akhirah it was an eye opening article at some point I was hesitant about few things but this changed my mindset JazakAllah khair

  10. Assalamu’alaikum,
    I’m going thru a lot right now and the first thing I thought of is I needed Allah. Therefore I needed to increase my trust in Him. Just by reading this gives me a sense of calmness and reasoning makes sense to my mind. I’m an overthinker who has anxiety thus I try not to give in to the pessimistic thoughts in my head. Reading this, I feel like it would able to make me become a better person even just taking the tiniest of steps. Thank you soo much for having the time to write this post/entry down. May Allah Bless You Always~☺️

  11. Im going through alot right now, emotionally and this was so soothing and it was exactly what I needed to read . Allah is the greatest and he truly is so lind to us and has only the best instore for us. May Allah bless you sister.

    Fatima xxx

    1. First of all, Thank you so much for writing such a article on this topic.

      The fourth point is very crucial that we need to think of Allah in a very positive way.

  12. Hello
    I pray 5 times a day i read quran i do anything that i can to be happy in Life. Im so worried and always thinking negative about my past and i feel like something bad is going to happen i cant sleep at night I cant eat i just feel so depressed and down I dont know what to do how to be happy and how to live in the present not in the past..

    1. That was a very good read so thank you.
      I have recently starting worrying about the future and about illness and falling sick. I am worried about what if I get sick who will look after me and how my family would deal with me being ill. But then I remember that it is Allah who controls all things. May Allah make it easy for all of us.

    2. Assalamualaikum dear sorry to hear that having said that we can come out of the past it matters how are we training our mind the moment you stop thinking about your past and accept whatever has happened in the past is for our own good start seeing the positive side of all the negative things.. inshaa Allah may Allah bless you with sabr and happiness aameen ya rabbi

  13. Assalam alaikum
    All the points have deeply resonated within me, May Allah bless you for this reminder.
    I’m aware of all these, but each time there is a difficulty, I come searching for reminders to things I already know, and you have summarized them perfectly.

    For me, the point where we should not underestimate Allah is what plays out over and over again in my life and it leaves me speechless and more grateful than ever before. ♥️

    Its Amazing how Allah makes ways for us, sometimes even when haven’t asked for something and its just a distant fantasy- BAM- suddenly you’re living it. Alhamdulillah indeed Allah is Al Wahhaab (The Bestower) and Al Raheem.

    Without Allah and Islam, I really would be purposeless and lost, living an existential crisis everyday. May Allah increase our imaan and keep us close to him at all times and protect us from our own nafs. Ameen ✨?

    1. Wa Aleikum Salam, Ameen ? Yes it’s so beautiful how things come together for you, how Allah makes things happen in a way that you would’ve never thought otherwise. It’s mind-blowing.

      Jazakillah Khair for your support xx

  14. Asalam alakum, Alihamdulilahi robin Alaamin for this moment in my life,the five points touched were very meaningful,impactful and practicable. May the Lord strengthen us more to trust in Him by obeying and trust Him more

  15. When you say “massive” dua how massive? I’ve heard that saying astagfirallah or other duas tens of thousands times a day is recommended to have duas answered. That seems too hard to achieve on a daily basis. What do you say?

    1. By massive dua I’m referring to pouring your heart out into your duas. So in terms of sincerity, vulnerability, holding nothing back before Allah. It’s really talking to Allah with full openness. That what I mean by massive dua, I’m not too sure about the thousand times a day dhikr, as I haven’t heard it before. It would be best to check with a trusted scholar xx

  16. Salaam I have had 2 miscarriages and I am totally shattered I don’t know what to do I am losing trust in Allah I think because Allah know everything he can do whatever he wants to but what to do now I said bad things that he doesn’t love me he’ll take everything and what’s the use ? I am regretting it now what to do I wanna say sorry but how ?

    1. Wasalam, try not to mentally beat yourself over it. The best thing to do is raise your hands to Allah and ask for forgiveness. Allah knows your pain and He’s mercy is above all things. Do istighfar in your dua’s and dhikr and then leave it to Allah. Allah knows what you’ve gone through,think the best of Allah (i.e He’s going to forgive you inshaAllah and He will answers your duas and dreams in ways you could’ve have imagined). It will get better inshaAllah xx

  17. Salam I was looking online for articles about how to develop and strengthen my tawakkul in Allah swt and I found this article. I’m really glad I did. It was refreshing to read how I can strengthen my faith and learn to rely on Allah alone. Last year was a bit tough for me, I decided to leave my job because I felt there was something missing I couldn’t describe it and I left for volunteering for a few months. At the same time unfortunately I came across someone who started dreaming a future with me and I got blindsided by all that mess. Anyways I know it wasn’t decreed by Allah swt and it’s all over now but it’s left me with a bitter feeling about how nasty and selfish people can be and it’s taught me how I can ultimately depend on Allah swt alone. I don’t know if I’ll meet good people again or how it’s going to happen I have no idea I try not to be bothered by that so much and I try to stay away from people who attach so much importance to fulfilling others needs desires and above all people who can’t think beyond their selfish egocentricities. May Allah swt help us all.

  18. Aselamualeykum, am 18 weeks pregnant and since i have faced 3 miscarriages before i always think of those events and i am praying that allah will help me to a safe pregnancy. Alhamdullilah everything is safe till now but my mind frustrates me something bad might happen i really want to have faith in Allah (i have it at some point but not fully). Please remind me on ur duaa for a safe pregnancy and a full faith in Allah

    1. Wa Aleikum Salam,Congrats on your pregnancy! ?It’s such a beautiful time, I don’t know of any duas specifically related to during pregnancy but I’ll list below general duas/ dhikr for ease. As much as possible, stay in that thought of expecting the best from Allah. I hope these helps xx

      + Making as much as durood upon the Prophet (peace be upon Him): “…Ubayy ibn Ka‘b said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, I send a great deal of blessings upon you; how much of my dua should be sending blessings upon you? He said: “Whatever you wish.” I said: One quarter? He said: “Whatever you wish, and if you do more, that will be better.” I said: One half? He said: “Whatever you wish and if you do more, that will be better.” I said: Two thirds? He said: “Whatever you wish and if you do more, that will be better.” I said: I will make all of my dua for you. He said: “Then your concerns will be taken care of and your sins will be forgiven.” Tirmidhi

      + Seeking Istighfar: “If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not.” [Abu Dawud].

      + A dua mentioned by a fellow reader, if you check just a few comments down, “Rabbi inni maghlubun fantasir” [Surah Al Qamar: 10] “O Allah! I am overpowered, so help me” This was the dua of Prophet Nuh (alayhis salam).

      I hope this helps my love xx

  19. I was surrounded by life-changing hardships and I was deeply depressed, and so searched
    online for articles on how to trust Allah to ease my pain. I found this blog and your other writings and they have helped me a lot, along with the comments of my sisters that give me a sense of community (though I am a man 😛 ).

    I am still in the initial phases of building my trust in Allah but I am sure I’ll emerge as a better Muslim and a content Muslim. Thanks!

    1. Alhumdulilah, that’s lovely to hear! Yes the community here (for me at least) is really special, I love that everyone can pipe in and share their own stories and inspiration. InshaAllah you’re journey is filled with happiness, growth and deeper connection to Allah by each passing day ?

  20. I have a lot of things to share, my whole life is full of miracles, I feel that I am not a common person, because whenever I feel ordinary I got trouble without solutions, but when I feel that I am the only person whom Allah love and like, I feel comfortable and confident. This is my strength everybody should feel like this. if we won’t value us and won’t accept that we are Ashraf ul makhlooq Allah will not give us more or what we want. The first thing is that we need to accept that we are special we are the only one this acceptance will give you humbleness and positivity. I am nothing Allah is everything he makes my life as my wish Alhumdulillah. The dua that gives me strength is Rabbi Anni Maghlubun Fantasir, this dua brings miracles in my life.

    1. Salam
      You probably won’t see this since it’s an old post. But mashallah I’m happy for you that your duas are always answered Alhamdulila. May Allah keep blessing you in this world and the hereafter Ameen. Other than feeling like your special and worthy to Allah what else do you think has helped you feel connected to Allah and have your duas always answered? And as for your duas are they usually simple things that you ask for or have you had seemingly impossible situations that was answered? I would love to know more I need hope and motivation

  21. I read your blog sometimes and I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I’ve been going through this hardship for almost a year now. I fell in love with an old friend and we decided to get married. First my parents would not agree because of petty issues. I made constant dua and by some miracle they had a change of heart and came on board.

    I went back to my home country, since I was abroad for Masters. I met his family and they met my family and everything was going smoothly. Suddenly his mother disagreed giving very petty reasons that she never raised before. I went back for my semester with my heart broken but both of us had the resolve of trying to make it work. We tried but his mother would not budge and then he got into a car accident and broke his neck. He was on bed rest for a total of 4 months.

    Two months after his accident, his mother agreed. My mother went over and apparently everything was fine at least according to my mother. His mother started avoiding my messages after that but never said anything to her son. Me and him were euphoric about the prospect of getting married. A month later I moved my entire life back to my home country. Left my job and the prospect of working abroad, everything. I came back knowing that everything is good and we will get married soon.

    The day after I landed, I went to see him and that night his mother comes to him and tells him that she is not on board with this and she is calling it off. Apparently my mother’s visit was not to her liking and she had very very petty issues. I broke down and turned to God. Ramadan came and I made desperate dua again and again for God to make this work for us somehow because nothing is impossible for Him. His fracture healed miraculously and he decided to talk to his mother again. Yesterday she said I will never be on board with this.

    I don’t know what to do. I lost so much faith since yesterday. I don’t know if God is angry with me or what. My life is at a standstill. I’ve been unemployed since I got back and my heart has been shattered. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should keep making dua for this or if I should put it out of my mind as something that will never happen. I don’t know if I should stay here or move back. I don’t know how to bring back that faith and that gratefulness that I used to have. I feel so lost. I don’t know what to do.

    1. Thank you Maha for getting in touch, there’s a few things that come to mind upon reading about your circumstance. I’m going to list them so that it’s easier to follow through inshaAllah:

      – “This or something better” About your confusion whether to continue making dua or not, it’s either going to be this or something so much better. You’re never going to be at a loss.

      – Connect with the end outcome and leave the how to Allah: the truth is you don’t need his mum’s approval for you to both get married. It’s ideal, it would be great if she does but it’s not a physical condition binding your future marriage. These conditions are limitations in our mind which only creates doubt and worry. The best thing is to leave the how up to Allah – and it will be done in the most beautiful manner but gently drop these conditions that are making you worry. Instead connect with what you want, you will never know how it’s going to happen because Allah can open up ways that you never knew existed. That’s why is so important to let go of the conditions and expectations of how you think something is supposed to unfold. And trust the unfolding. Trust Allah’s timing.

      – Self-love is KEY ? Especially as you’ve left your job and life behind. You’ve already given up so much and that makes you naturally vulnerable to wanting more from him/ his parents/ family etc. because you’ve sacrificed your own needs. Of course, naturally you’re going to be heartbroken from all of this. From now on, make it your mantra to put your emotional, physical, financial, spiritual needs first. Life blossoms when you love and take care of yourself.

      – Live your life fully: as hard as it feels, nothing good comes from closing off. Try not to put your life on hold in hope for this marriage to work out. Your best way forward is to amp up your self-love, speak to Allah immensely in your duas and go life your life with joy. Whether that’s travelling back abroad, finding a new job, spending time with your friends… get back into living your life, trusting that it will work out for you. Even if it’s completely different from how you imagined it, it can only be better.

      With duas, there will always be an element of uncertainty and that’s okay – you’re never going to know how and when it’ll all come together. Surrender to what Allah has in store for you, trust in what you can’t see today but one say you will inshaAllah, and fill your self-love vessel. I hope this helps my love xx

  22. Salaam,

    Jazakallah for your blog/blog posts …powerful words like yours offer me much comfort and solace, especially as i am going through a trial at the moment.

    I am trying to get married but the process is hard for me, a lot depends on the next few weeks of my life – please remember me in your duas. It has been a huge rollercoaster and the outcome is still unknown.

    However, the reason I share this with you all is that in this hardship I have truly found Allah, I have found him in ways I didn’t even deem possible. Had I have been granted marriage straightaway and the process was not as difficult as the last few months have been – i probably would not have found Allah.

    As humans, we become naturally distant from Allah when life is going great, so Allah puts a need in our lives so we call and seek through him. Even in my times of despair, i have always held on to the fact that Allah must love me so much to want me close to him.

    I know relief will come, for me, for you, for us all and recently, in your blog posts too – I have read a lot about trusting Allah and i guess this was my Journey. Sometimes you just have to give it all to Allah, for he is the Lord of the heavens and the world and he knows everything while we know not.

    All he asks for us is to trust – and in the grand scheme of things, he does not ask for much as ultimately we benefit daily from his mercy. This is a reminder for myself first and foremost.

    I pray that whatever situation anyone who reads this is facing, that Allah provides you relief this Ramadan, I ask him to guide you and grant you goodness, prosperity and happiness. May we all find Allah in the depths of our pains, as it is only then that we truly appreciate the essence of our Lord.

    Please remember me in your duas <3

    1. Wasalam, this is such a beautiful reminder! ??? Thank you for sharing your personal journey here. It’s amazing that you’ve gained soo much from this difficulty and it will all support you for when you are married and for all the other things you want in this life. It really is about surrendering and giving it all to Allah. You said it perfectly ? And Ameen, may Allah ease all of our affairs and bring us closer to Him x

  23. Asalamu alaikum. I really needed this post ..bcuz im moving through a hard self battle..i hope i can get help here ..im a final year student n im right about to get my exams .n the thing is lots of ppl have their eyes on my 24/7 especially my relatives ..n my grandma always says that bad eyes is what made my uncle go to the wrong side ..or bad eyes is what made my aunty lose her mind ..i cant stop thinking what is i get a good grade n ppl put their eyes on me the i lose my brain w anyother things .this feeling is so strong that it stops me from trying to get good marks n stops me from trying ..i know god is the only person that can make anything happens to me but i cant convince myself since everyone around me says awful stuff about what bad eyes can do ..pls help me

    1. Wasalam my love,

      Thank you for reaching out. The first thing is to make sure you’re consistent with your duas for protection (have a look at this link: https://aliandsumaya.com/duas/7-duas-to-protect-you-and-your-family/). The second part is blocking out what other people are saying to you – this is where your faith comes in. I know it can be soo hard to believe in something when everything around you tells otherwise but this is where your iman and hope in Allah comes in. So try not to look out there (i.e. at people/ circumstances/ events) for hope but look within. Build that iman within yourself and look beyond what you can see. Your faith is believing with your heart what you’re eyes can’t see yet. Read on the miracles of the Prophets (peace be upon them all) – that will give you hope in the unseen. I hope this helps inshaAllah xx

  24. Salams sis I wish Allah bless me to have an peaceful mindset of him cuz I know tht Allah is truly amazing and I feel very bad lately something happened to me I got these visions and it been hard for me to think positive like thoughts or enjoy your time pls help me how can I get rid of it I feel like I lost my Faith….???

        1. Wasalam Saida,

          Thank you for your question, what comes to mind is the hadith of trusting Allah as the birds do. You can read more here: https://thethinkingmuslim.com/2012/05/22/he-would-provide-for-you-as-he-provides-for-the-birds-ibn-uthyameen-explains/

          Umar said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, ‘If you were to rely on Allah as He should be relied on, He would provide for you as He provides for the birds. They go out early in the morning hungry and return in the evening full.’” – Narrated by at-Tirmidhi and he said, “Hadith Hassan.”

          ((If you were to rely on Allah as He should be relied on)) meaning: [with a] true/genuine reliance on Allah, the Great and Almighty, [and with] a complete trust [in Him] with regards to seeking your sustenance and other things. ((He would provide for you as He provides for the birds)) The sustenance of the birds is on Allah because the birds do not have an owner, hence, they fly [wherever they please] in the air. They leave early in the morning from their nests to obtain the sustenance of Allah. ((They go out early in the morning hungry)) There is nothing in their stomachs when they go out during the early part of the day but they depend on their Lord Almighty ((and return)) meaning they return in the later part of the day ((full)) meaning with filled stomachs from the sustenance of Allah.

          (Taken from the article link mentioned above). I hope this helps inshaAllah xx

  25. I have prayed and prayed and I am losing my faith. Not only am I unemployed, but I am also getting sick regularly and my body is attacking itself. Yet all I see is how beautiful my friends’ lives are. Why am I being tested for more than 2 years? I gave up Duaa recently, I have poured my heart out and trusted Allah but I am still sick, unemployed and financially challenged.
    People assume that I haven’t tried enough, I sought every avenue from career counseling to networking, to applying overseas but nothing worked.
    I hate to say it, but I am losing faith.

    1. If things are taking longer than you’d like, be prepared to receive more than what you could ever expect ?

      Take a day or two off… away from all of this mind chatter (coming from your inner mean girl/ ego). I think that’s the place to start from – giving yourself a break from all of this – mentally and physically. Spend a few days where you’ve completely stopped thinking about what’s not happening. When you’re in the situation, it’s easy to get stuck within it but that’s not going to take you out from it, so give yourself a break from it all.

      You are not powerless. Your situation isn’t hopeless no matter how much it feels that way. After giving yourself a few days off, come back to what you do want in your life. Journal on what you would love to have. Day by day keep building and strengthening your faith – by focusing on what you do want, by looking for the littlest of things that you’re soo happy for, like the bed you sleep on/ feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, little things that make you so happy. This is the time to work on your self-love – your mindset.

      It is tough but you will get through this – You’ve got it in you ? The fact that you’re on this blog and have commented to seek support, you’ve got that strength to get yourself out of this. I hope this helps, have a read of the posts on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/inspiredandfabulous/ – which I go into more about dua/ letting go of the outcome/ why is it taking so long etc. It may help inshaAllah. Feel free to reach out for any more support, Much love xx

  26. This post and the feedback from other readers is very beautiful. I found every word inspiring. I am glad I found this post. These reminders are what I need right now. Indeed it is a blessing to understand and use the power of faith in Allah and the power of dua.
    Thank you so very much for sharing this post.

  27. Jazakhillah khayr for this beautiful post and advice. it brings back memories of one incident in my life, it was quite a while ago … I basically refused to go back to university because of the interest based tuition fees and I felt so fearful and accountable to Allah.

    what made the situation harder was the fact that my father was extremely upset with me for thinking to drop out of university. I told him i would only go if i had the money to pay for it myself. We clashed over this many times until finally i made up my mind, i wasn’t going.

    the consequence was my father being disappointed and upset with me, much pressure and we didn’t speak for a while but I cried soooo hard to Allah that I did this for him and it resulted in the breakdown of me and my fathers relationship.

    after much dua and patience, my father came back to me with a change of heart and offered me an opportunity to go abroad and study Arabic in Egypt. I was so surprised by the change of events and alhamdulilah i accepted and the situation turned out for the better all because of trusting in Allah and putting his pleasure and happiness first.

    one ayah that sums up that whole experience:

    وَاتَّقُواْ اللَّهَ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ اللَّهُ “Fear Allah and He will Teach you.” (Surah al-Baqarah:282)

    I may have not gone to university, but I was given a better opportunity, to learn the language of the Quran and sunnah in Egypt. Alhamdulilah

    1. Just to clarify when I said:

      “I cried soooo hard to Allah that I did this for him and it resulted in the breakdown of me and my fathers relationship.”

      What I meant was that doing actions to please Allah will sometimes cause the creation to be displeased with you and some times relationships break down, it shouldn’t matter. There is no obedience to the creation in the disobedience to the creator. Hardship and tests will come to see whether we are sincere…but we still do it for his sake because it’s what he commands us to do and also the creation will love you in the end, once they see you acting upon the truth.

    2. Such a beautiful story ???? Amazing!!! That’s exactly the power of trusting Allah and it always works out in your favour – soo beautiful alhumdulilah ✨

      Your story reminds me of this ayah: ‘And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things” (Surah 65:03) Really touching – I’m so glad that it worked out for you (it always does), I hope your enjoying your studying too! xx

  28. Jazakillahu Khairan for the article; some really beautiful points made <3

    Before I started med school, I was anxious about taking out the student loans that cover the £9000 yearly fees, especially because of the interest that would build up. I remember making constant Du'aa to Allah that he makes me financially capable so I can cope with the fees, and all the while I'd be thinking I have no idea where this money could come from but I would immediately remember the Ayaah in Surah Talaq:

    'And whosoever has Taqwa of Allah, He will make a way for him to get out. And He will provide him from where he never could imagine…' (65:2)

    So I started university Alhamdulilah and on the very first day our course leader says 'Oh by the way, do you know that you're all eligible for a bursary that'll cover the entire year's tuition fees.?'

    SubhanAllah I was absolutely gobsmacked!!! And it literally came from a source that I could not have imagined..Wa lillahil hamd 🙂

  29. Allahumma baarik! I thank Allah to have found your blog! May Allah bless you and reward you abundantly.
    I am a big believer in du’a and having good/positive thoughts about Allah. I love the ayaat and ahadith shared here.
    I’ve read Qur’an since I was young but only recently started understanding the ayaat. You start to enjoy the ayaat, the stories that are told intrigue you, you get a connection in your heart with the ayaat, they move you, you feel them. SubhaanAllah! Wallah it’s amazing how making dua and putting your trust in Allah changes your life. Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Dua, I thank Allah for letting me know about it and firmly believing in it.

    What helps me about accepting the outcome of my dua is programming my mind from morning to say Alhamdulillah as my first response to anything that happens. That has greatly improved how I react to things initially. Saying alhamdulillah even when my mind is protesting and cannot fully comprehend why I am saying it, I say it. It makes me take whatever happens, to Allah before responding. On not underestimating Allah, I’m always in awe when my duas are responded to or when my days and affairs are taken care of.

    I’m still improving on all the points you have mentioned. Adding to them I’d say Sujud al shukr and salat al duha. Powerful stuff! SubhaanAllah.
    I thank you for this post. May Allah increase you in goodness. Jazaakumullah khair. I love you for the sake of Allah ❤❤❤

    1. I love your tips, especially the part on not underestimating Allah ???? It really is life-changing. I’m looking forward to giving that a go – training my mind to say ALhumdullilah before anything else… I LOVE that part of taking things to Allah before responding ?

      Thank you soo much for your kind words and support. Ameen and may Allah bless you with abundant happiness and success in both worlds,

      Have a wonderful day x

  30. It’s hard to choose one when all of ithe points are true.
    But i think, i will go with the first point first. Understanding the quran, contemplating, implementating and hold it dearly to my life will surely leads to the rest of the other points given. Of course, without forgetting the sunnah as well as they come in a package for muslims.
    MasyaAllah sister, may Allah bless you for this wonderful sharing.

  31. Let go of the outcome. That is what I have to work on! I often think of all the negative consequences or mistakes that can happen before I start something. No wonder the Beloved Prophet PBUH said ‘what if’ is from the Satan.

  32. Seeking Islamic knowledge about why we suffer helped me a lot.

    Everything in life is a test of worship. Realise that this is a test from Allah (swt).
    Seek and strive to please Allah (swt).
    Accept Allah’s decree (a form of submission)
    Try to trust in Allah.
    Say “Alhamdulillah” from the heart as an act of worship.
    Patience (a form of submission) and perseverance
    Work for Allah (swt) and Jannah
    Look forward to Jannah, get closer to Jannah
    Get closer to Allah and have a better relationship with Him
    emerge as a stronger Muslim and servant of Allah
    Forgiveness of sins; purification (there is meaning and purpose to suffering)
    Raising in rank
    These are some of the wisdoms and reasons (everything happens for a reason) behind suffering.

    “Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tested?” (Qur’an 29:2)

    “[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.” (Qur’an 67:2)

    “And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.” (Qur’an 21:35)

    “Allah would not leave the believers in that [state] you are in [presently] until He separates the evil from the good.” (Qur’an 3:179)

    “Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,”When is the help of Allah ?” Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.” (Qur’an 2:214)

    “And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam – from their loins – their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we have testified.” [This] – lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, “Indeed, we were of this unaware.” “ (Quran 7:172)

    “But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.” (Quran 2:216)

    The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The real patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 1302)
    Reference: http://sunnah.com/bukhari/23/61

    Allah will reward you for every bit of suffering you go through in life.
    “Muslim (2572) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “There is nothing that befalls a believer, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allaah will record a hasanah (good deed) for him thereby, or erase from him a sin.” “
    Source: https://islamqa.info/en/32690
    The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5641, 5642) Source: http://sunnah.com/urn/52930

    The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
    “The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.”َ
    [Grade : Hasan (Darussalam)
    Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 4031]
    Source: http://www.sunnah.com/urn/1291310

    “If Allah intends good for someone, then He afflicts him with trials.” (Source: Sahih Bukhari 5321)
    Source: http://abuaminaelias.com/patience-with-trials-and-tribulations/

    “There is no Muslim who is stricken with a calamity and says what Allaah has enjoined – ‘Verily to Allaah we belong and unto Him is our return. O Allaah, reward me for my affliction and compensate me with something better’ – but Allaah will compensate him with something better.” (Muslim 918)
    Source: https://islamqa.info/en/71236

  33. O yes… we definitely need to let go of the outcome more than we do ~ but its sooo hard. SubhanAllah.

    Its hard especially when we have made grand plans, carefully set up all the steps, prayed for what we want and then awaiting the exact results we desire. But more often than not, what we get may be an unexpected *BANG* where things go in a different direction.

    I love the hadith that gives the example of the birds. Surely we need to be like that, put in our best effort and leave the rest to Him ~ The All-Knowing.

  34. I seriously needed this post you have no idea! I want to strengthen all of these points but especially letting go of the outcome. I rely so much on what I think should happen or what I think it best but I need to remember that Allah (swt) has superior plans, even if I can’t see the good in them right away. <3

  35. “And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way.”

    HE surely is always near to us but it’s just us who need to work on our side. I always leave everything to Him instead of worrying about things in life. Problems are never ending but HE knows best and is the best planner.

  36. LOVE #3. It can be SO easy to forget to “let go of the outcome”. I am a huge type A personality so it can be scary for me to not have everything planned. It is something I have to actively work on every single day. Lovely reminders.

  37. “Don’t let your circumstances determine your faith in Allah. Even if everything is pointing in the complete opposite direction of what you desire, make immense dua and trust that Allah will make a way for you.” This is SO true.

    This was one of the greatest lessons I learned back when I did the visionnaire program (by Muhammad Al-Shareef). We went through a couple of exercises where we illustrated, visioned, made excessive dua and repeatedly talked about our dreams to ourselves as if they are going to happen tomorrow. over and over. and it was magical how everything fell into place just because we believed in them to the point of actual reality.

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