7 Supercharged Ways To Feel Motivated

1) Stop Trying To Get Motivated

The more you chase it, the more it eludes you.

When you can’t connect to that feeling of inspiration, let it be. The more you push and chase after it, the more your frustration will grow. As you’ve already experienced by now, frustration and guilt rarely ever leads to lasting changes in your life.  As women we flow better when we tune into ourselves. Some days you’ll feel inspired to create and work, other days you’ll feel in-tuned to relax and take it easy. Letting go of desperately wanting to be ‘successful’ and motivated everyday, gives you the best chance to receive it.

2) Visit A Bookshop

This rekindles my motivation like nothing else! I could lose myself for hours at a bookshop – flicking through pages, reading blurbs,  seeing a variety of books by one author, noticing the the vast number of books on each topic – the whole atmosphere leaves me feeling in awe and excited to amp up my own life.

For that moment, to be in the company of all these great authors who have poured their heart, knowledge and passion into their books – it feels mind blowing. I geek out at the health/mind/body/soul section. It’s so exciting to flick through a variety of cookbooks, peek into different recipes inspired by chefs from all sorts of backgrounds. (Not to mention hungry to try out all the salivating recipes!) I usually take a quick peep at the fashion and business section too – two areas that I enjoy keeping myself up to date with.

3) Study

In my dream life, I would spend everyday learning, reading or listening to something beneficial and so that’s what I’m committed to do. Somedays, it might be 2 pages but that is better than none. Studying makes every cell in my body vibrate with joy. I love diving into a book, podcast or online course and immersing myself in knowledge to become a happier woman. The payoffs from studying are huge – it’s almost impossible to feed your mind with positivity and to not feel a difference in the way you show up to your day.

4) Speak to A Life Coach/Mentor

Currently I’m working with a business mentor and an Integrative Nutrition health coach. Both women inspire the heck out of me! My happiest days are when I get off a mentor call early in the morning buzzing and busting with joy. I’ve woken up in pitch darkness with my whole family sleeping in the early hours to be coached from the other side of the world. It was EPIC. I was sleepy, exhausted, messy bed hair but my heart was humming.

I’m hugely passionate about life coaching – so much so that I completed certification twice from two established institutes – countries  apart. If you’re feeling like you need support to create your happiest life beyond your wildest dreams and work through the challenges that are holding you back, click here to learn more about my programs and a free 30 minute coaching call.

5) Try Out  HIIT/Tabata Training

As a life long cardio girl, I can vouch that exercise is cheap therapy 😉

What has drastically toned my body, raved up my metabolism and flooded by body with endorphins (happy hormones) was by taking up HIIT/Tabata training – a minimum of 20 minutes daily.  All in the comfort of my home. These training session have changed my body and life. Despite being an exercise freak ever since my teenage years (and still going hehe!), these intense workouts toned my body faster than anything else I’ve ever tried. It beats 40 minutes of gym time any day! You’re left feeing a rush of euphoria, energising your mind, body and soul. That rush of happy hormones flooding your body will leave you feeling anything but unmotivated. 

6) Speak to Allah With A Present Heart

I mean really speak to Allah. In your duas, open your heart and soul to Allah – say what you’re afraid to say. Say what you’re afraid to feel. Having a deep conversation with Allah, ideally at the time of tahajjud will allow you to drop into your heart, feel connected and receptive to the world around you. Speaking to Allah softens your heart – it gives you permission to surrender and just be fully grounded in the present moment. In that spiritual state, you’ll feel your most inspired, motivated and connected to something greater than yourself.

7) Think Of The Women That Inspire You

When you see other women flourish – let it give you hope that you can do that too.

Thinking about the women who inspire me (my role models), be it in health/beauty/motherhood/deen/relationships/business deeply inspires me to raise my own standards. Seeing a passionate women who lives her life free from insecurities, outward validations and pursues her dreams with happiness and hard work – that motivates me to do better. I’ve harped on about it so many times – but what inspires me the most is seeing women who wonderfully conquer their world in a feminine yet ambitious way. We’re living in a beautiful time – where you really can have and be it all 🙂

31 Responses

  1. Such good tips! I love studying too. Whether it’s an outline workshop or stuff at school, studying keeps me motivated and feeling like I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it.

  2. Just reading this post motivated me! I LOVE all of your tips, and you made me crave a bookstore hahaha! I especially love your tip about seeking knowledge. I have the same feeling as you, I wish I could immersed in some kind of knowledge or program or course everyday! Great post as always my love.

  3. I love how you really stayed short and clear with the poibts. There really is so hidden secrets to happiness and inspiration ? Wonderfully written post. Mashallah

  4. Masha Allah 🙂 Thanks for these tips, funny thing though I read 2.and 3 and I think..Ohh mehn she is so like me! You’re also my namesake which makes me feel happy to read your posts, I still would regardless because they’re helpful and a forever student like myself reads way too much but that’s one habit I’d feel lost if I discontinued. I love 6! words won’t do it justice trying to describe that feeling after teary heartfelt dua’s.

    Well written and inspiring!


  5. These are actually some great tips! I really think most of these would work for me too. Though I’m too lazy for HIIT hehe

    1. heheh I feel you – I put off HIIT training for so long and then I tried the ones by The Body Coach – amazing! Even though I didn’t really like HIIT training before that, his workout videos are soo effective and dare I say fun! hehehee 🙂

  6. Wow! It must be such a beautiful feeling to feel so inspired that you wake up while everyone else is sleeping in the middlw of the night. Amazing determination, it’s the best way to be!

    1. Oh hehehe it’s because of the time zone difference – it’s something that I wanted for a really, really long time, I think awaited about 5 months before I could sign up lol so that’s why I’ve been so excited for it. But thank you soo much for your lovely words – you’re too kind ???

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