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7 Ways To Look Beautiful Naturally

Have you ever looked at a before and after makeup tutorial and thought ‘NO WAY!!! That can’t be the same person’. Or a bridal makeup tutorial, where you think ‘some guy is going to get the shock of his life when he wakes up the next morning’ 😉

To me, looking beautiful is about enhancing your features. I love the fresh, feminine, soft, lit glow from within look. Whilst it’s more than just piling on highlighter at the top of your cheekbones, for me it’s a lifestyle of healthy, nourishing habits and devotion to self-care.

Here I’ll be sharing with you tips to look beautiful naturally. Tips which don’t require breaking your bank account to buy the latest YSL foundation or make an international order because the makeup brand is currently not available in your country. Let’s jump right in!

1. Invest in good skincare – A simple, daily routine of cleanse, tone, serum and moisturise. Every woman I know that has great skin, has a skincare routine. It’s no accident.

2. Homemade coffee scrubs/salt scrubs are amazing! – I make my own coffee scrub as illustrated below. It leaves your skin feeling silky smooth, helps with scars and cellulite too. Your skin will never be the same 😉 (And neither your bathroom from all the coffee splash stains, so make sure too sit inside the bath as you scrub and thoroughly wash all surfaces afterwards).

coffeescrubMix 3tbsp of coffee, 2tbsp of coconut sugar, 1tbsb of Himalayan rock salt, 2tbsp of coconut oil and voila!

3. Weekly facials at home – Either a clay mask or steam facial. My favourite steam facial is green tea bags soaked in hot water and rose petals. It looks so pretty and leaves your skin looking flawless. Goodbye stubborn blackheads!


4. Never underestimate the power of a great haircut 😉 This is my biggest beauty expenditure. Simple because even if you don’t have a touch of makeup on, the right haircut and hair colour gives you this fresh, innocent, ‘I woke up fabulous’ kind of look.

5. Hydration is key – About a year ago, I was drinking almost a jug of Chinese herbal tea every morning before heading off to study Alimiyyah. During breaks and lunch, I’d have people coming up to me and complementing my skin despite having issues such as scars on my skin. I put that down to the jug of herbal tea that I drank every morning.  It literally gave this ‘glow from within’ look.

6. Don’t overlook the basics – It doesn’t matter how many pretty hijbas you wear, if you smell bad… oh dear 🙁 In the same way, keep on top of your personal hygiene. E.g. removing unwanted facial and body hair/ showering regularly/ smelling great.

7. Own it Girl! I remember watching a pre-shoot before a fashion show and noticing how the model was incredibly captivating. She has this aura of confidence and knowingness. Feel beautiful, confident and sensual. Be captivating. Be mesmerised and mesmerise others with your presence.

9 Responses

  1. I completely agree with the idea of natural beauty. (Y) Nothing can beat the ‘glow from within’.
    Thanks for sharing the scrub. 🙂

  2. Ohh I love this! I completely agree with this. I love the one about getting a good haircut.I tend to neglect my hair but lately it’s one of my main priorities

  3. Thanks for sharing….I am really bad at skincare…I literally only put face wash on and thats it…but as I am not getting any younger I need to make an effort. Agree re hydration. So important.

  4. I’ve been hearing a lot about coffee scrubs but never saw one in the shops. Now I’ve got to try to make my own. Thanks for the recipe.

  5. Really enjoyed reading the post. I have never heard of coconut sugar. Will try out your recommended facial soon.

  6. Lovely Post! You are right, looking great is all about feeling great! I also love the skin care tips Jazak Allah Kheir. Beautiful Blog <3

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