A Fashionista Under Her Abaya: Why I LOVE Dressing Up At Home

It’s An Act Of Self-Love:

For me it’s an act of self-love and self-respect. You would never let your children run around in pyjamas for days on end, so why do that to yourself? Since when did life become so busy that taking care of the most important person in your life (hint it’s not your husband or children), become the least important task on your to-do list that barely happens.

Fashion Is One Of My Passions (Amongst Many Others):

When I first began to practise Islam in my early teens, I literally chucked away tons of clothing, all colourful pashminas except for black and gave away boxes full of makeup and beauty products. Whilst I loved the spiritual high of feeling that I was floating in the clouds, it didn’t last. Eventually I found myself in need of a lifestyle and character makeover. I wanted to be the girl that was practising + fashionable (where appropriate). I wanted to be the girl that loved studying deen – discussing matters of Usool, controversies in Fiqh, translating classical Arabic texts  + hyperventilating over that gorgeous choker – bodycon dress, thinking ‘I need this now! where can I get it from!’ 😉

That’s the beauty of Islam. It doesn’t suppress a person’s nature but provides a framework from which to express yourself in i.e. there’s a time and place to dress modestly and there’s a time and place to strut your stuff 😉

You Can Be Eye Candy + Soul Food:

Gone are the days of women striving for success whilst they pile on the pounds and their wellbeing takes a toll. In my personal growth, one of the most wonderful lessons that I learnt earlier on is that you can be eye candy + soul food. It’s not intelligence versus appearance. Or taqwa versus beauty. You can have and be it all 🙂 There’s nothing more inspiring than seeing a woman who deeply nourishes her family, nurtures the world with her creativity and passion, devotes her time to fiercely connecting with Allah, yet takes care of her appearance too – she’s winning!

I Take Care Of Myself Better:

When I dress my best + feel my happiest, I’m less likely to trash my body with mindless snacking and lazying around all day. Dressing your best at home – even if you’re by yourself all day (+ albeit whilst nurturing little humans too), it has a ripple effect on the way you show up for your day. When you feel better, you’ll do better.  Even if you do fall into a little slump (4pm sugar cravings maybe? ;)), you’re less likely to stay down.

I Love Connecting With That Little Girl Within:

That little girl within us all who loved playing dress up, who would spend hours flipping through magazines and fashion catalogues, dreaming of her perfect wardrobe with imaginative scenarios to wear them too. That little girl who would become hugely happy over a sparkly dress and ribboned ballet shoes. That little girl who was beaming with happiness – all by herself.

These are the reason why I love dressing up at home. Our society teaches you the complete opposite – present yourself neatly and polished to the outside world and jump into your comfort sweats once your home. For the records, I don’t even own a pair of comfort sweats/joggers/traditional home maxi’s… everything I write in this blog is because I absolutely believe and live by it. I hope this post inspires you to rethink the way you take care of yourself when there’s nobody around to impress. Share with me your thoughts in the comments below – I would love to hear them  x

36 Responses

  1. Dressing up makes me feel more alive and productive.
    But the thing is I don’t do it often but I should.
    The way you dress does in fact affect the way u feel!!

  2. Salaams – great article and it sounds very ideal. Very happy to have found your website! Not to sound practical, but I don’t dress up at home because it creates more laundry for myself and for my nicer clothes to have more wear. I totally get what you’re saying, and I feel good when I look nice, but I feel so much more comfortable in sweats and tshirts..I also never do makeup at home or have my nails painted so that I can have a valid prayer. I want to feel more confident and find a balance between it all – what do you recommend? Thank you!

    1. Wasalam Saarah,

      Thank you for your kind words sweetie, I always say do what works for you – whatever that may look like. Play around with clothes, materials and outfits that look chic yet feel comfortable. It doesn’t have to be your best/ finest clothes but something in between. I certainly don’t wear my best dresses every day hehehe – it wouldn’t be practical but there are other items in my wardrobe that are comfortable yet still make me feel girly and happy. Make this a fun experience for yourself – shop around online, look at fashion blogs etc. Get a feel of what would be in-between sweats/t-shirts/pyjamas and nicer clothes that might be saved for special occasions. You want something that makes you feel at ease/ effortlessly chic/ girly/ practical for your lifestyle too.

      With nail polish, I keep it for the days that I’m not praying. And with make-up, I don’t buy waterproof or water resistant make-up, that way wudu can still be valid inshaAllah.

      I hope that helps, let me know your thoughts xx

  3. I absolutely love this post. I can relate to that feeling when you start practicing and so many changes happen alhamdulillah for the sake of Allah than slowly we start missing that other side of us for me it’s styling my hair. I gotta start dressing up at home more too. May Allah bless you for sharing.

  4. I have to agree, dressing up contributes a lot to combating laziness and feeling more confident. You don’t necessarily wear fancy clothes, but combing your hair or wearing mascara will do wonders, wearing a shirt that flatters your waist, or at least same colors will do wonders.

  5. I love to dress up too, but I realized it’s for others’ appreciation. At home I’m most comfy is T-shirts and pants. I’m not married, so I guess I’ll wait to dress up when I have a hubby. Lol!

  6. ALWAYS DRESS UP!! It will instantly make you feel so good about yourself. But always do it for you and no one else, little effort goes a long way to taking care of yourself. Do everything for the pleasure of Allah, do it for you and do it for your family! Mashallah may Allah keep you ever so beautiful and happy Insha-Allah and may Allah guide us all to be better Muslimahs. (www.spicyfusionkitchen.com and http://www.beautywithzainy.com)

  7. Asalaamualaikum sister,

    I did exactly the same! I felt like my personality had to go so my hijab could come in! It’s taken me years to figure out I can still dress up for me at home! Barakhallahu feeki, great article. May Allah swt reward you for educating your sisters! X

  8. I have never been one for dressing up…even before marriage and kids…plain and simple is me and I prefer that lol. And I don’t mind lounging around in pj’s…they are comfy! Not that I get a chance..have to get dressed for the school runs etc

  9. As Salam Alikum sister
    This is a lovely article thanks for sharing it it makes some very good points about taking care of ones self

  10. I loved this! Sometimes we just need to hear it from others, to allow ourself look after ourselves.

  11. So true. I have lost my “me” time since i went for college.finished my college and then busy with work. Endless routine. This post really inspire me to be better everyday even when going to bed. ❤️❤️ From Malaysia.

    1. That’s so lovely to hear ? Yeah, even when you’re going to sleep, wearing matching, silky pyjamas – taking care of your skin beforehand… all those little things make such a difference in the way you feel about yourself x

  12. I am so happy that there are more people like this. You told it girl! Deen doesn’t stop you from putsuing yoir dreams. Infact if there is deen in the heart you will act accordingly.

  13. So very true sis. I have lost the little girl inside who enjoyed all the pretty things in life many years ago. I desperately seek her, often, when I feel tired looking at my scruffy self. I hope your article brings about some change

    1. I hope so too ? You’re aware of what you want which is the first step there inshaAllah. Try finding just a little, easy way to connect you back to that little girl within – even something as simple as choosing to wear your favourite earnings/bracelets etc. It makes such a difference in the way you carry yourself through out the day x

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