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When Allah Takes Something Away From You…

We’ve all experienced that feeling of disheartenment when things don’t go our way.

Maybe it’s the disappointment of your dreams falling apart. Maybe it’s a longing that’s yet to happen. Maybe it’s the separation and loss of people from your life, hopes crumbling away and ambitions fading out.

For every external or internal shift in your life, be it like a trembling earthquake that uproots your life or a tremor that leaves you feeling anxious, it creates space for something new – which you need at this given moment in your life.

It gives space for something new.

Resisting and pushing away reality, will only create more resistance. Cry and fight it out all you like, reality is what it is. Allow yourself to feel the raw emotions that come from loss of any sort and then when you’re ready I want you ask a very powerful question to yourself…

What is this creating space for? What opportunity is this giving rise to? What is this making space for in your life right now?

What has this given rise to?

Deep within your heart you know what you’re called for at each given time in your life. Maybe it’s dedicating time to living your passion and purpose or giving up neediness/ dependency on other people. Maybe it’s nourishing yourself with your love and emotional energy instead of other people. Maybe it’s to stop procrastinating and finally step up to follow your calling consistently. Maybe it’s to love beyond the conditions you set upon your heart.

What is it for you?

What is this creating space for? What is this calling you towards?

Once you’ve connected with that calling, follow it. It makes the pain of loss so much more bearable. Whenever something is taken away from you, it creates space for something new to enter in your life.

It’s your journey to discover what that is.

This journal questions is so powerful because it helps you to stop resisting reality. Instead of wishing that things were different or holding onto the past, it gently opens the door to accept what is. Whilst gently looking for the positive. Nothing is ever taken away except that something equally will come your way.

What you think is falling apart is actually being rearranged by Allah to give you what you ultimately want. Ultimately – not today, not even this week or a month but for a lifetime.

P.s. This is one of the many powerful questions and insights we go through in the 1-1 coaching sessions. If you feel called to discover more about these sessions and get started on your transformational journey, book in a FREE 20 min call here x

26 Responses

  1. I always feel contented with the decision of Allah, if iam praying and following the commands of Allah and Prophet Mohammed (SAW) properly then also if some calamities fall on me or my something has been snatched away from me then i will still be happy and smile because iam sure of onething that is Allah is not displeased with me and he is happy with me so iam happy with his decisions.

  2. amazing post , wise words and a lot of Hikma , its just hard at times to belive it when u urself is going threw the test of faith .

    1. Yeah I can completely relate and that period of uncertainty, difficulty is what defines your faith/ trust in Allah. Taking that leap of faith/ trust feels scary but that’s the only way through. I hope this of help inshaAllah 🙂

  3. Alhamdulillah your posts always resonate with me; making me feel some mentor is there far away to guide me even though I can’t share my equation with those around me. Allah has blessed u with the ability to heal people’s hearts through your words….keep going!

  4. Loved the last sentence “What you think is falling apart is actually being rearranged by Allah to give you what you ultimately want. Ultimately – not today, not even this week or a month but for a lifetime.” Really amazing and emotional article. It really made me cry. Thanks for sharing this beautiful article…

  5. Loved the end sentence “What you think is falling apart is actually being rearranged by Allah to give you what you ultimately want. Ultimately – not today, not even this week or a month but for a lifetime.” Really amazing and emotional article. It really made me cry. Thanks for sharing this beautiful article…

  6. SubhanAllah! Me and my family have been going through a tough time lately, owing to the loss of a family member. This really speaks to me and I really really needed this. JazakAllah khayr for a beautiful reminder. May Allah reward you abundantly, Ameen.

    1. BarakAllah fee, may Allah make it easy for everyone involved and make this a means of becoming closer to Him and elevating your statuses in the akhirah. As time passes, wounds will heal inshaAllah, stay strong my love x

  7. This has happened to me so many times and while at the time I didn’t understand why it was happening, I am getting better at understanding the divine wisdom behind it all. Now when there’s a setback, I think of it as a blessing and it almost always later reveals itself to be one! SubhanAllah

  8. Allah keeps it for us until the right time, or gives something better in its place, removes it because it’s not beneficial anymore anymore. Whatever is taken is never lost alhamdulillah.

  9. “What you think is falling apart is actually being rearranged by Allah to give you what you ultimately want. Ultimately – not today, not even this week or a month but for a lifetime.”
    Brilliant! So true. What a lovely post and great reminder.

  10. Subhanallah this is so true. My friend was telling me about a tragic accident that happened to her. Alhamdulillah she survived an now Allah has given her something better.

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