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My love For Bali (Recent travel + exploring the divine feminine + breathtaking views)

Green. Lush. Exotic sun. Fresh air. Dreamy surroundings. Tweeting birds. Chirruping sounds. Coconut palm trees. Beautiful rice paddies. Breathtaking scenery from our suite.

That’s what I woke up to, everyday in our recent trip to Bali.Β  This was a work + holiday trip. I travelled to Bali to attend an inspiration day as part of studying a life coaching course. The event was beyond magical – I’ve written down so many incredible nuggets of wisdom to embody and share with you all. The theme of the inspiration day was ‘the divine feminine’.

Please note: although the word ‘divine’ is usually associated with religious/Godly associations, in this context the phrase ‘divine feminine’ refers to a woman connected with her true self, grounded in heart and service, honouring her intuition, connected to the goodness, aliveness, sensuality and wisdom of her body.

Whilst I could spend hours talking to you about the beauty of Bali + the gorgeous hotel we stayed at +theΒ  awe-inspiring event filled with a room of glowing women, I’ll let the photos do the talking. Below the photos I’ve included a little caption to elaborate on more detail. I’ve ended this post with lessons that I’ve learnt through this trip and through the event day. The wisdom fuelled learnings and heart-centred insights are things that I strive to live by. Although I’ve returned back to London, the inspiration that I’ve huddled and the experiences that I lived through are so close to my heart.

This journey was one that surpassed the body. It was a journey of the heart and soul. I can’t tell you the number of times I looked up into the sky, in awe of Allah. With my heart beaming with immense gratitude and eyes swelling up in tears of Allah’s magnificence.

FullSizeRender[14]Woke up to this view every morning alhumdulilah πŸ™‚ Isn’t it just soo dreamy?

FullSizeRender[4]Holiday reading – women’s health magazine + spiritual growth

FullSizeRender[3]Night time view from the patio of our suite – pretty incredible πŸ™‚

FullSizeRender[13] FullSizeRender[11]The view from visiting Uluwattu temple. We didn’t go inside the temple but came close to the side edge of the cliff. The blue sea and the greenery was breath-taking! Such a wonder of the world!

FullSizeRender[10]Incredible sea views + gorgeous flowers = sounds like heaven on earth to me πŸ˜‰

FullSizeRender[6]Gili Air Island – such a cute little island that we visited for a few hours. I would love to come back here and visit the island for a few days. Everything was so cute and picture-perfect!

FullSizeRender[9]Thatched hut roof + gorgeous collection of flowers + swimming pool at the back – so dreamy πŸ™‚

FullSizeRender[7]This was the sea in Gili Air. Crystal clear, light-blue water!

FullSizeRender[8]A trip to Bali would never be complete without sipping on fresh, young coconut!

Inspiration day! The event was held at the gorgeous Plataran Ubud Hotel & Spa. Although I was the only Muslim woman there, it was a little nerve-racking but the women there were so friendly and beyond lovely. The energy in the room was positive, supportive and magical. There were so many gems that I learnt from this event and journey, in summary here they are:

– Use your intuition as opposed to your thinking mind to assist you.

– Your intuition is open, abundant, non-liner, not restricted by environment, beliefs, upbringing which is the complete opposite to your thinking mind. When you solely use your thinking mind, you cut off all the magical possibilities from connecting to your intuition.

– Get out of your own thoughts – the mind constantly changes.

– Watch your thoughts. Gently observe the craziness of your mind without getting attached to the stories.

– Your body never lies – when something isn’t right, you know it. You feel it with every cell in your body. It’s your mind (i.e. your inner mean girl) that talks you out of the truth.

– The womb (belly) is our place of vulnerability and power.

– Feel into your intuition. Get into your body and ask ‘what does my intuition look like to me?’ Is it in your gut/womb/heart/forehead/chest?

– Authenticity is your greatest commodity.

– The feminine is magnetic yet she doesn’t do anything. She’s comfortable in her being, fiercely present with herself and loving to her body.

– A women who can feel comfortable and sensual within her body is truly magnetic irrespective of her size.

– Let go of the fear of being seen, let go of control and let go of controlling how other people perceive you.

– Connect to your feminine cycles and seasons. Just like you have the fours season, day and night – you have a rhythm. Honour your need for rest, renewal and growth.

– Your body is the home for your soul and mind.Β  When you release emotional baggage, your body responds to that. In fact any time you experience constipation, difficulty to lose weight, ask yourself ‘what can I emotionally release?Β  how can I let go even more?’

– Put Allah first – even when it’s hard. When you struggle – just that little bit extra for Allah, He will multiply your effort. You’ll see the ease and bliss in your journey when you put Allah first with no expectations and attachments.


14 Responses

  1. I really appreciate the term ‘divine feminine’. Bali reminds me of Capri in Italy and then Mauritius and Seychelles. I am not a big island and water person but I really enjoyed the scenic mornings I woke up to. I can understand the feels from your photos. Inspiration day sounds so wonderful, I wish I had access to such emotionally uplifting experiences.

  2. OMG those are some breathtaking views! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful and inspiring visit. Love the reflections that you’ve shared…simply reflective, mashaAllah.

  3. Gosh I wish I was on that trip with you! Those photos are breathtaking subhanAllah – how could one NOT be in awe of Allah’s creation! I would love to go on a trip like this – I think it’s amazing you took the time for you and benefitted from a wonderful break – well done mashaAllah! x

  4. SubnanaAllah so many beautiful pictures, I would love a vacation like this in the future in sha Allah. I can only imagine how relaxing it was ma sha Allah. Al hamdulillah for that delicious coconut water straight out the coconut. YUM.

  5. Masha Allah, thanks for sharing these awe inspiring pictures. There’s nothing like a combination of greenery and blue sea+sky; Alhamdulillah for the beauty of nature.

    After many failures caused by my thinking mind, I’ve learned to tap into my intuition after praying salatul istikhara of course and trusting the feeling.

    It is a powerful tool for decision making and attaining inner peace and bliss.

  6. I have always wanted to go on an island holiday, and after reading this review, I think Bali is at the top of my list! The photographs are stunning as well, and I love the idea of a womens only holiday…

  7. Wow, it sounds like you had an amazing trip. Didn’t Elizabeth Gilbert go to Bali too? πŸ˜‰ Such gorgeous photos and a cool idea for a trip. An all-women’s summit to the islands. I’ve always wondered about tapping into my intuition. I’m always in my head and it feels like my thoughts have this sway over me. What would leading by my intuition look like???? Hmmm.

    1. Yep! she did πŸ™‚ It’s in the film ‘Eat,Pray, Love’. Following your intuition opens up so many lovely surprises… it’s like an inward pull… like you ‘have’ to go there πŸ™‚

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