5 Ways To Stop Fear Ruining Your Life

You’re not pretty enough’, ‘You’re not skinny enough’, ‘You don’t have enough money’,’Even if you write an ebook – nobody will buy it, who do you think you are?’, ‘Your never going to have a heart-fuelled business,

6 Spiritual Lessons From Making Heartfelt Duas

Making heart-felt dua’s changed my life. It was in the depth of my depression and uttermost misery that I raised my hands to Allah and cried my heart out. Every inch of my body was grieving. Every part of my being was shattered.

Why not be a Feminine, Ambitious Woman?

In the year 2010 I started learning about productivity, success, personal development, finance and all that good stuff. As the years have passed and my understanding grew deeper, one thing really stood out to me.